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Good riddance to the Joe and Kamala Show

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Rory Ryan

By Rory Ryan
HCP publisher & owner

When asked my opinion on the worst U.S. president in my lifetime, my answer was always one James Earl Carter, the Georgia peanut farmer. Times change. So do opinions.

Without any doubt, my answer to that question is now Joe Biden. New polling released this week by Gallup and others suggests that many voters and citizens feel the same way. Biden's presidency was a four-year train wreck.

Near the close of the Biden/Harris term, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability held a hearing titled “A Legacy of Incompetence: Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Policy Failures.” At the hearing, lawmakers exposed how the American people continue to suffer under the Biden-Harris administration’s weak leadership and detrimental policy agenda.

(You can read the full report at…)

After owning and running a business since Obama's first term (the Great Recession years) and running businesses for other companies since the Clinton presidency, and having a full-time job since the Carter presidency, it is my experience that Biden's administration boils down to one word: Incompetency. 

From his initial executive orders (remember the Keystone pipeline?), to the deadly and disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, to ever-increasing inflation and ever-increasing illegal border crossings, Biden has failed the American people at every turn.

Looking back on Biden's basement teleprompter campaign in 2020, many of us questioned his mental acuity. Those who did so were scoffed at by the mainstream media and liberal elites. Recent reports by The Wall Street Journal and a few others now reveal glimpses of the truth.

Biden has "good days and bad days," those Democrats close to him now admit. Isn't that what families say about ailing elders?

Robert Hur’s report on Biden's handling of classified documents included an acknowledgment (by Hur) of Biden's failing mental state.

Hur basically admitted that Biden was guilty, but too mentally confused for the issue to be pressed. Hmm. Too confused to be tried, but not too confused to be president of the United States?

You can't make this up.

And as Dan Hart, a senior editor at The Washington Stand, reported this week:

"On the economic front, a recent Economist report found that the U.S. currently ranks 20th in the world on a combined scale over the past year of gross domestic product growth, stock market performance, core inflation, change in unemployment rate and government deficits. Despite this, Biden claimed last month that 'we’ve entered a new phase of our economic resurgence.' He also stated, 'I believe the economy I’m leaving at the moment … [is] the best economy, strongest economy in the world and for all Americans, doing better.'"

That's like asking: Are you going to believe what I tell you, or are you going to believe your own lying eyes?"
A majority of rational citizens aren't buying the Biden rhetoric on his way out the door. (More on his exit strategy in a moment.)

Consumers have endured record-high inflation on food, gas, energy and housing since Biden entered the Oval Office.

Some 70 percent of Americans said the nation’s economy is “not good” or “poor” in exit polls following the November election.

Now, Biden is planning his "farewell address." He's going to razzle-dazzle you with all sorts of personal platitudes. Don't fall for it. (No joke, Corn Pop, if you are reading this.)

Biden will insist that the economy is fine, inflation is down, and that in every month during his administration there were record numbers of new jobs. This is all bullspit. 

We are living in a horrible economy. The world is on fire from Russia/Ukraine to Israel/Iran and soon China/Taiwan. On the home-front, California is on fire because of a feckless governor and equally feckless Los Angles mayor and fire chief.

Now, in his final days in office, Biden has the unmitigated gall to commute the sentences of 37 of the 40 Americans on federal death row. He also granted clemency to Chinese national Jin Shanlin, who was convicted under U.S. Code Section 2252A, Title 18 on child pornography charges. (See

Biden also lied when he said he would not pardon his dope-head son. Of course, he pardoned him. 

With just days before President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office, outgoing Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a swath of immigration orders that appear to be designed to prevent illegal border crossers from being deported and open up more ways for foreign nationals to stay in the country. 

That's just what we need.

Biden also signed two memoranda to permanently ban offshore drilling over more than 625 million acres of ocean to advance his commitment to conserve 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030.

Now, if granting clemency to a child pornographer and putting these other rules in place were such noble ideas, here are two questions: 

• Why not campaign on such lofty ideas in 2020; and 

• Why not make these decisions on Day One in office instead of when you slip out the back door to Delaware? 

Barack Obama famously said, "Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to screw things up."

Truer words were never spoken. Good riddance to four years of incompetence.

Rory Ryan is publisher and owner of The Highland County Press, Highland County's only locally owned and operated newspaper.


Matthew (not verified)

13 January 2025

It's getting close to being that half of my life has been post 9/11... I have a lot to be thankful for. But daggone it,... It would be nice to have an era of peace and prosperity. It all starts with President Trump and company on January 20th. Hopefully in January 2050, I can report that all is well. With my soul, and with this Country.

Matthew (not verified)

13 January 2025

Seven more days, and everything wholesome and patriotic will be revered again. Hollywood is burning (I'm not being glib bout the L.A. fires. I do not want any loss or suffering. It just seems like a high-profile region of the Country in the throes of a natural disaster always gets the headlines.). Among the other good news that has been building momentum since November, is that the Ohio State Buckeyes are playing in the National Championship football game in seven days too. I have seen where many posts, clips, and worship services have pointed out to the fact that several student athletes on the Ohio State football team have expressed their Christian Faith faithfully since this past summer. No matter what happens during the next seven days, Americans will hold out for Hope and for a great awakening when we are free, moral, and sane again.

Pat Lawrence (not verified)

16 January 2025

That Obama quote was very widely reported by right wing publications, but never confirmed anywhere. I could just as easily slime someone, ascribe it to one of their friends and send it out to my brother's 10,000 followers. However, Obama's opinion of Joe Biden might more accurately be reflected in his presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That was confirmed. Everywhere. Perhaps this would also be a time to note that Kamala Harris inspired girls and young women all across the country with a campaign that was encouraging and empowering, that lifted spirits and hopes for a better world. And I am not the only woman who appreciated the acknowledgment that yes, absolutely, women have a place in our political arena, and yes, we have the right to make decisions about our lives, and our bodies.
•••• Publisher's note: I have little doubt that Obama said that – and many more negative things about Biden. Obama was certainly part of the Democrat coup to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket. As for Harris, I recall her, in essence, calling Biden a racist for his policies as a U.S. senator and pal of former Klansman Sen. Bob Byrd during the 2020 primary. Frankly, I cannot name a single positive thing that came from the Biden administration. Good riddance, indeed.

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