Thoughts on eating

Jim Thompson
By Jim Thompson
HCP columnist
Now, there are some fine folks down around Sugar Tree Ridge who know my fondness for chocolate cake and homemade ice cream. And when I visit them, they feed me lots of it and other great food, too. But truth be known, I am not a great foodie. For all my life, people have told me I eat like a bird. Well, I am the fattest bird you will ever see.
We eat out a lot. Not because Laura doesn’t like to cook, but more because I don’t like to do the dishes (perhaps I am lazy when it comes to this chore). Laura has recently retired (I haven’t), and she thinks we should economize and eat at home more.
Now, our two sons-in-law do most of the cooking in their households. Our son does most of the cooking in his household. Laura suggested that perhaps I could pick up some of the cooking chores in our household, given her new direction for our eating.
My cooking expertise is a bowl of Cinnamon Life, liberally covered in chocolate chips and soaked in milk. When home alone, I might eat this anytime of day. I can also make chocolate chip pancakes, pumpkin pie, apple pie and blackberry pie. I suppose I could fry a hamburger, and I know I can open and heat a can of soup.
I don’t think this is what she had in mind, although I am often called upon to make the pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I was growing up, you could tell what day of the week it was by what my mother was doing. Monday she washed clothes. Tuesday she ironed them (everything, including socks, underwear and handkerchiefs). In the summer, Wednesday through Friday, she gave attention to the garden (either weeding or canning). Saturday she mopped the kitchen floor and made pies and cake for the coming week.
But back to eating out. I know I am going to sound old and grumpy, and maybe I am. But for goodness sakes, quit putting those high tables and high chairs in restaurants. They cut off the circulation in my legs, assuming I can get myself up on them without falling off in the first place. I gave up the highchair over 70 years ago.
Truth be known, I would just as soon eat a hotdog as anything, but my doctor says no – no processed meats. I went to a nutritionist last week. When I described my diet to her, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. I guess two pots of coffee a day is a bit excessive.
You may be asking by now, why did he write a column like this, what is the point? I needed a break from politics and thought perhaps you would enjoy one, too. And there is no disinformation here, I can corroborate all the content in this column.
Jim Thompson, formerly of Marshall, is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and the University of Cincinnati. He resides in Duluth, Ga. and is a columnist for The Highland County Press. He may be reached at
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