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Did you ever tell a lie to get a date?

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By Jim Thompson
HCP columnist

Did you ever tell a lie to get a date? Or tell a lie to avoid a date? I actually did that one time. I was scared. Fifty-eight years later, I confessed to her what I had done.  

It wasn’t her fault that I did this, and it wasn’t that she was undesirable as a date; she was just fine, the fault was all mine and rooted in fear.

Right now, there seems to be a bevy of incumbent senators and a vice president wanting to be president lying about their past records in order to persuade you to vote for them.  

They want you to believe they are moderates or even conservatives. Some are even saying they sided with President Trump on certain issues when he was president. Really?

Example? You have an incumbent senator up for reelection in Ohio. If you are reading this column on line, it is easy for you to check his record for the last six years through the search function. The publisher of The Highland County Press published many columns this senator has issued. You can read them right here and determine for yourself if what he is saying on the campaign trail today matches up with what he has said for his last term.

Same can be said for Kamala Harris. You won’t find her track record as easily accessible here, but there have been plenty of articles documenting her track record here and elsewhere.

Today, sensing the electorate would actually like some sensible fiscal policies, law and order, a responsible immigration system and a few other things often sought by reasonable people, we are seeing liberal politicians twist themselves into pretzels to win votes. And appear reasonable.

Attempting to show their support for the Second Amendment, the Democratic vice-presidential candidate has shown his dexterity at loading a shotgun matches Elmer Fudd’s. And another Democrat candidate’s dangerous actions actually caused a shrapnel wound.  

One seldom gets by with a lie when firearms are involved.

OK, you kids have no idea who Elmer Fudd is. Look him up.

But back to lying to get a date, or more importantly, being lied to by a prospective date. How did that work out for you?  Married, happily ever after?

Of course, the opposition calls Trump a liar all the time. Maybe I am prejudiced, but I see him as exaggerator in chief. The shrillest call outs (remember the Russian dossier?) – well it turned out Trump was right, he wasn’t lying.

In the same vein, Obama is running around now and pondering out loud about who caused all the divisiveness in this country. Maybe you need to look in the mirror, sir. What you are doing is a form of lying.

I leave you where I started. If you think about it, lying has nothing to do with successful dating or marriage, for that matter. Remember this when you vote. 

Choose your candidates carefully.

Jim Thompson, formerly of Marshall, is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and the University of Cincinnati. He resides in Duluth, Ga. and is a columnist for The Highland County Press. 

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Matthew (not verified)

26 October 2024

I can't think of any lies I've told while dating. I believe that some of the hold ups in this arena is that I, and the few prospects (Women. I date women. I know that's old fashioned. But here we are.)... I believe that both of us were too honest. And here we are. I could have listened more, ask more questions, and shown greater interest in her responses. Maybe I felt I had to sell myself, as if it's a job interview.
There is a book on the 5 love languages, which makes a lot of sense. But there's always the 2 different mindsets between men and women. Women will tell their spouse or boyfriend about many of the issues and problems that they faced during the day, or just ongoing stress. Women just want to vent. Then they want the man to listen, show empathy, be sympathetic, and to remember every conversation and emotional state 5 years + after the fact. Ladies, that's not how men function. Men are problems solvers. When you tell them you have a problem, men want to solve it. Do not be overly dramatic. Men are protective. If someone looks at you wrong, yells at you, or makes you upset; men want to end the conflict immediately.
I guess men could be better. Whenever we hear about how our lady friends are feeling; we should say, "I'm sorry that happened to you. You sound like it makes you upset, frustrated, sad, etc..." Or for a positive interaction: "I'm so happy you were able to parallel park in one try! I am so proud of you that you topped-off your gas tank even though it was just at half! Your multi-tasking skills are epic. There is no way that I could handle that much all at once and come out looking as good as you do right now!"

Matthew (not verified)

26 October 2024

When VP nominee Tim Walz traveled to China multiple times; how did he fulfill his National Guard obligations, weekend drills, and annual trainings here in the States?
Why did Walz enlist in the National Guard? Was it for a side-hustle paycheck? Another public retirement check when the time comes? Or to deploy into a major war zone when your Country needs you?
What kind of man spends supposedly 24 years in a military organization, only to back out when the time comes to deploy into harm's way? Then lie on his work history, about being a retired Sergeant Major and carry weapons in a war, when both were false.
And again, the 2nd Amendment says nothing about hunting, skeet, trap, or any restrictions of freedoms.

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