VFW Post 9094 presents donation as Highland County Historical Society announces new endowment fund campaign

The Hillsboro VFW Post 9094 made a $5,000 donation to the Highland County Historical Society, with Gary Boatman (second from right) presenting the check to John Kellis (right). Also pictured (l-r) are Dr. Lawrence Dukes of the Historical Society; Commander Rick Wilkin of the VFW; and Historical Society Director Vicki Knauff. (HCP Photo/Caitlin Forsha)
The Hillsboro VFW Post 9094 made a $5,000 donation to the Highland County Historical Society Wednesday afternoon as one of the first contributions toward a new endowment fund being established by the Society.
Presenting the donation on behalf of the VFW — while also touring the Highland House Museum’s Military Room — were Commander Rick Wilkin and Gary Boatman. Accepting the donation were Historical Society director Vicki Knauff, Dr. Lawrence Dukes and John Kellis, all of whom thanked the VFW for the generous contribution to the Society and other local events.
“That’s what we’re here for, to help the community,” Wilkin said.
The VFW’s donation will go toward a newly created Highland County Historical Society Endowment, Fund, which was started with a $200,000 investment by the Society and a $100,000 match by the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio for a total of $300,000.
“It’s a big step for the Society,” Kellis said.
A letter prepared by the Society’s finance committee says, “There has been a goal or a want to develop an Endowment Fund at the Society for a long time. Such a fund will allow us to expand the funding possibilities for estate planning and to hold a portion of the Society’s portfolio for the long-term needs of the organization.”
According to Kellis, the Historical Society is seeking donations until Nov. 8, with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio providing a 50-percent match for all contributions in that time frame. Therefore, donations such as the VFW’s will go even further, totaling $7,500 altogether.
Their goal is to raise $60,000 in pledges by Nov. 8, according to the finance committee’s letter, for a total of $90,000 to add to the fund.
“Any pledge to the endowment can also be spread over three years by the donor,” the finance committee’s letter says. “The match of a $5,000 pledge can be made over three years, but the $2,500 match would be deposited in our fund immediately. Pledges can begin in 2024 or 2025.”
Kellis said the Endowment Fund will give the Society the opportunity to work on long-term estate planning for the first time. The letters notes that this fund will “secure the Society for our grandchildren and beyond.”
The Highland House Museum is located at 151 East Main St., Hillsboro 45133 and is open Fridays and Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. If you would like to discuss participating in this fundraising campaign, the Society can be reached at (937) 393-3392 or hchistoricalsociety@gmail.com. Their website is https://hchsohio.weebly.com. You may also reach out to any HCHS board member for additional information. The finance committee chairs are John Levo and Dale Zornes.
The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio is a regional community foundation serving the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio. A 501(c)(3) public charity, the Foundation creates opportunities for Appalachian Ohio’s people and communities by inspiring and supporting philanthropy. For more information, visit www.AppalachianOhio.org and follow FAO on Facebook and Instagram.
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