Montgomery County grand jury hands down indictments against Clerk of Courts and Municipal Court judge
A Montgomery County grand jury handed down a 12-count indictment Wednesday against Clerk of Courts Mike Foley and Municipal Judge James Piergies, after an investigation uncovered alleged improper political and other activities involving public resources, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Foley faces felony counts of attempted unlawful interest in a public contract, aiding and abetting an unlawful interest in a public contract, unauthorized use of a computer, and theft in office, plus misdemeanor counts of soliciting political contributions from public employees and prohibition against partisan political activity.
Piergies faces felony counts of having an unlawful interest in a public contract.
The indictment was filed Wednesday in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court. Arraignments are scheduled for Aug. 15.
SIU began its investigation after receiving an anonymous complaint in October 2022 concerning alleged solicitation of campaign contributions from employees and other improper political activities by Foley, among other allegations. Allegations against Piergies relate to his son’s employment.
SIU was appointed to serve as special prosecutor in the case. As this involves an ongoing investigation, the Auditor of State’s Office will have no further comment at this time.
An indictment is merely a charge and is not evidence of guilt.
Since 2019, the Special Investigations Unit has assisted in 121 convictions resulting in more than $8.3 million in restitution. The team receives hundreds of tips of suspected fraud annually. Tips can be submitted anonymously online or via SIU’s fraud hotline at 866-FRAUD-OH (866-372-8364).
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