Highland County Firefighters Association, Highland District Hospital host Public Safety Awareness Day

(Submitted photo)
Highland District Hospital (HDH) partnered with the Highland County Firefighters Association (HCFFA) to host Public Safety Awareness Day on Sunday, Oct. 27.
Attendees included state and local agencies from fire and rescue, Highland County Children Services, Highland County Emergency Management Agency, Highland County Health Department, Highland County Probation Department, Highland County Prosecutor’s Office, Highland County Quick Response Team, Highland County Sheriff’s Office, Highland District Hospital, Highland Health Providers, Hillsboro City Schools, Hillsboro Public Works, local area police departments, MedFlight, the Ohio Department of Transportation and Reach for Tomorrow.
Attendees were able to tour rescue vehicles, witness K-9 Deputy Dom perform a rescue demonstration, learn safe fire evacuation techniques in an informational inflatable, watch a helicopter land and take off, observe an auto extraction demonstration and much more.
Additionally, lunch was provided to attendees by HDH, and kids were able to trick or treat and receive educational information about safety.
“It was a great day for everyone to come out and get to know our local emergency workers,” stated Scott Miller, Training & Event Coordinator for HCFFA.
The once-annual event was last held in 2019 and was then not able to occur due to national pandemic restrictions.
“We were thrilled to be asked to cohost this event at HDH,” commented Tim Parry, HDH President & CEO. “Bringing this event back to our community aligns with our commitment to serve our community. This was a perfect opportunity.”
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