Highland County commissioners hold organizational meeting; Roades appointed president, Britton vice president

Highland County commission president Brad Roades is pictured. (HCP Photo/Caitlin Forsha)
Highland County commissioners reorganized Tuesday, Jan. 7, where the 2024 commission president moved to select a new president and Vice President of the board for 2025.
According to minutes provided by commission clerk Ashleigh Willey, commissioner David Daniels moved to appoint the 2024 vice chairman, Brad Roades, as 2025 president. Commissioner Terry Britton — who last served as president in 2023 — was appointed vice president, also via motion by Daniels.
Roades is beginning the third year of his first term in office. Britton, who was reelected for a third term in November’s general election, has previously served as board vice president under then-president Jeff Duncan.
Also during Tuesday’s four-minute organizational meeting, commissioners approved the following annual resolutions, each by a 3-0 vote:
• A resolution to designate Roades as the County Commissioners Association of Ohio official representative and Britton as alternate.
• A resolution to appoint the Community Development Block Grant complaint procedure committee, which includes EEO/complaint officer Jeremy Ratcliff, alternate EEO/complaint officer Alex Butler and hearing officer Britton.
• A resolution to establish meeting days, which will continue to be held on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. at the commissioners’ office.
• A resolution to establish commissioners as board members for the year 2025. Those assignments include:
— Britton: Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission, Community Action Organization, Community Improvement Corporation, Court Security, VOCA and Highland County Land Reutilization Corporation (land bank).
— Daniels: Board of Health, Highland County Land Reutilization Corporation, Highland Health Providers and East Fork Watershed.
— Roades: Area 7 Chief Elected Officials Consortium, Emergency Management Executive Committee, Family and Children First Council, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Workforce Policy Board and Highland District Hospital Foundation Board.
— All three commissioners: 911 Users, Community Corrections, County Caucus, Extension Advisory Board, Highland County Planning Commission, Juvenile Detention (South Central Ohio Regional Juvenile Detention Corporation) Trustees, Workforce Investment (WIA), Solid Waste Board, FRS Transportation and Domestic Violence.
• A resolution to rehire county employees.
• A resolution to establish rules for public comment for their meetings.
• A resolution to approve travel for commissioners to meetings.
Commissioners held their first regular meeting of the year Wednesday, Jan. 8. Check back to highlandcountypress.com for more from Wednesday’s meeting.
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