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GEVSD planning summer food service program; 5 Greenfield students recognized in Great Oaks’ student spotlight

Stephanie Lanning
Stephanie Lanning, the food service director for the Greenfield school district, speaks to the board of education Monday about a summer food service program. Also pictured (seated l-r) are district treasurer Joe Smith and school board members Eric Wise and Rachel Fraley. (Photo by Angela Shepherd/GEVSD)
Angela Shepherd, Greenfield Exempted Village Schools

Greenfield schools is planning to implement its own summer food service program to help fill the need in the community.

According to Greenfield Exempted Village School District Food Service Director Stephanie Lanning, who presented a report to school board members and also highlighted a summer food service program plan at the board’s meeting Monday, April 24, this food service program is being developed to help with food insecurity through the summer months.

It’s something that the summer feeding program through Highland County Community Action helped alleviate for many years, but Lanning said that program will not be continuing this year.

In her report, Lanning provided statistics from the district, which included that 47 percent of students are eligible for free lunches, a number that underscores the need to help make certain that food insecurities are met.

The plan is, Lanning said, that any child, despite economic situation, ages 2 through 18 may get a meal through the school district through the week. There is no sign-up, there is no registration and there is no cost. Also, the kids can choose to sit and eat or they can take the food with them.

Additionally, the district is working to help make sure that all students in the district have access by bringing the program not only to the Greenfield campus, but to Buckskin and Rainsboro elementaries, too.

Lanning added that the school district is eligible for federal reimbursement for each meal served through the program.

Look for more information to be provided soon as details of the program are put together.

A report prior to Lanning’s was from that of Audrey Barker of Adena Health System, who has been a big part in helping to shape the district’s wellness committee, something reestablished in the district in the last year which not only focuses on the physical wellbeing of students and staff, but mental health wellbeing as well.

In other business, the director and students of the recent McClain production of “High School Musical on Stage” were recognized at Monday’s meeting. The musical was initially planned to take place in March, but was rescheduled for this past weekend. According to all, the production was successful and very well done. 

During the meeting, each student in attendance introduced themselves and the part they played in the musical. Director Loretta Flora said it was a difficult production to prepare for, but the students stuck with it and worked hard and had two great shows on Saturday.

GEVSD Musical
Students who performed in the recent production of "High School Musical on Stage," along with director Loretta Flora, are pictured with Greenfield Exempted Village School District Board of Education members on Monday, April 24. (Photo by Angela Shepherd/GEVSD)

Student Advisory Council member Madesyn Wheaton’s report to the board from around the district included that the elementaries are all reading “Flora & Ulysses;” first graders were recently visited by the village administration for Arbor Day and each student got to take home a sapling; and field trips are being had and enjoyed.

At the middle school, things are emotional, she said, with the recent loss of eighth grader Jacob Stevens. Ten counselors have been on hand to support students and staff. Wheaton also reported that a book is currently being put together, which will be presented to Stevens’ family.

At the high school, Wheaton said, state testing starts this week, the career fair held in March included 29 businesses for students to learn more about, and the FFA is busy planning the upcoming MHS Day, and currently has more than 30 service projects planned for the day so far. Also, she reported that the McClain Cadet Corps has already this school year, as a group, logged more than 3,000 community service hours.

Items accepted on the consent agenda included McClain FFA’s senior trip to Canon City, Colo. June 17-20; the resignations of Cynthia Howland, aide, and Debbie Burgess, cafeteria staff, both for the purpose of retirement; the resignation of kindergarten teacher Jean Little; and building cleaning contracts.

Superintendent Quincey Gray presented JVS delegate Greg Barr’s report, which included five McClain students that were honored in the April 2023 edition of Great Oaks’ student spotlight. Those students are Elijah Bogard, construction program; Hannah Curtis, cosmetology program; Veronica Duncan, early childhood education program; Gavin Fleming, heavy equipment operator program; and Briannah Ingles, early childhood education program.

These students have already been placed in employment, Barr reported, with Bogard at Hurless and Sons Construction, Curtis with The Glitz, Duncan and Ingles with Tiny Town Childcare and Learning Center and Fleming with Stevens Hardware.

Also reported was that Barr has received the Ohio School Board Association Award for Distinguished Board Member as a 20-year member.

Upcoming things in the district include prom on May 6 with the grand march preceding the dance. On May 8, the Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony honoring the top seniors of 2023 will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the cafetorium. A small reception will follow the event.

MHS Day is May 12, the day where all of the high school performs community service projects throughout Greenfield. And on May 23 is the Senior Recognition Ceremony for the Laurel Oaks Campus. The ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m., but those attending are asked to be there before 6 p.m. It is going to be held at the Patriot Center at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro.

Employment recommendations approved were: Shania Massie - girls basketball head coach; Emma Stegbauer - aide, secretary; Carlee Williams - aide; John Caskey - bus driver; Nate Luke - junior class adviser; and Eli Johnson and Robbie Wise - summer maintenance help.

The next regular meeting of the Greenfield Exempted Village School District Board of Education is May 15 at 7 p.m. at the central office boardroom. For information and updates, go to the district website at or go to the district’s social media pages. The individual buildings also have Facebook pages. The district’s central office may be reached by calling (937) 981-2152.


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