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Georgetown man killed in High Street motorcycle crash


A Georgetown man was killed Sunday afternoon in a motorcycle crash on North High Street near the intersection at Diamond Drive, according to the Hillsboro Police Department. 

The HPD reported that John T. Durham, 63, was traveling northbound on a 2002 Yamaha motorcycle at approximately 12:58 p.m. when Carol Reffitt, 48, of Hillsboro, was south bound on North High Street. allegedly swerved left of center to avoid striking a vehicle that had stopped in traffic in front of her. 

Reffitt's 2002 Nissan drove into the path of Durham's motorcycle, causing the two vehicles to collide, which threw Durham from the motorcycle. 

Durham was transported via helicopter, according to the HPD, to Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, where he died. 

The case remains under investigation by the HPD and the Ohio State Highway Patrol. 

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