NCAA DIII Management Council supports hardship waiver process for mental health
At its two-day meeting in Indianapolis last month, the NCAA Division III Management Council endorsed criteria for a mental health hardship waiver for student-athletes.
The measure was proposed by the Student-Athlete Reinstatement Committee, and the criteria mirror the current requirements for a hardship waiver while providing flexibility concerning the diagnosis of a mental health condition.
The council also discussed initial concepts for the implementation of this hardship waiver and asked the committee to finalize its recommendation for its consideration at its October meeting. The council agreed that the implementation of the new criteria should apply to any student participating this academic year.
Among other topics discussed:
Philosophy statement proposal
Culminating a year's worth of work and membership feedback, the Division III Management Council approved a recommendation for the Presidents Council to propose 2024 NCAA Convention legislation to create a new Division III philosophy statement.
Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct phased out
At the direction of the NCAA Board of Governors to review Association-wide committees and better align the committees' work with the new NCAA constitution, the council recommended the sunsetting of the Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct. The request was made due to the work associated with sportsmanship and ethical conduct being supported and absorbed by the national office and other councils and committees in the divisional governance structures, reflecting the importance of sportsmanship and ethical conduct to the Association.
The Management Council approved the elimination of the committee, with additional direction to ensure that sportsmanship and ethical conduct remain at the forefront of the division's efforts.
"Ethics and sportsmanship are crucial to the integrity of collegiate athletics," said Holly Sheilley, chair of the Management Council and vice president of athletics at Transylvania. "The council is committed to additional conversation around the topic and making sure ethics and sportsmanship continue to permeate each part of the governance process."
Convention proposals
A membership-sponsored proposal to change the amendment-to-amendment deadline to provide the sponsors of membership proposals more flexibility and time to amend their proposals will head to the Interpretations and Legislation Committee for review. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee also reviews all membership proposals.
The council also recommended adding stunt as an emerging sport for women. At the 2023 NCAA Convention, the Committee on Women's Athletics asked the division to refer this proposal back to the committee for additional analysis. The council also approved sponsorship of a proposal to reduce the minimum number of participants required in tennis from six to four.
Update from the president
NCAA President Charlie Baker provided an update of several issues facing the Association, including the declining number of officials, the mental health of student-athletes in light of sports wagering and social media, and name, image and likeness legislation.
The council also ratified amendments to the reinstatement guidelines for sports wagering. The amended guidelines offer the opportunity for the NCAA Division III Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement and NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff to review cases on an individual basis and consider the totality of the circumstances while recognizing the severity of wagering violations.
NIL discussion
Baker and the council discussed the need for NIL legislation that provides for a public registry of deals, agent registration and certification, and financial literacy. Baker cited how all financial institutions have transparency and accountability built into their processes and said that should be a fundamental component of NIL legislation. The council also considered top issues for Division III regarding NIL and what a legislative proposal could look like for Division III.
Health and safety update
Brian Hainline, the NCAA chief medical officer, joined the council to discuss issues regarding student-athlete mental health, athletic training and drug testing for cannabis.
Following a recommendation from Divisions II and III, the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports signaled support for removing cannabis from the NCAA banned drug list and championship testing protocols. CSMAS will weigh membership feedback and consider making a formal recommendation at its September meeting.
Council leadership
The council elected Lawrence Ward, vice president for learner success and dean of campus life at Babson, as chair and Jason Verdugo, director of athletics at Wisconsin-Eau Claire, as vice chair, effective with the close of the 2024 NCAA Convention.