Why don't we 'get out the vote?'
To the editor:
Hillsboro citizens’ choice for Mayor next November – Mr. Levo or Mr. Hastings – is very probably one of the most important Mayor choices in Hillsboro’s long history. That choice should be the choice of most of Hillsboro’s 4,700 registered voters, not most of 10% of the voters as was the disappointing turnout for this week’s primary election. But that can happen only if most of those 4,700 people go to the polls and vote.
Politicians, public employees with agendas of their own and our self-named “Community Leaders” will all wail and scold Hillsboro’s citizens about their “voter apathy.” But maybe that common reaction needs to be reined in a wee bit because some of those high-and-mighty critics are speaking with forked tongues.
Elected people, some public employees and even some so-called “Community Leaders” often do a lot – intentionally – to discourage participation by the everyday citizens.
Hillsboro’s citizens are no strangers to threats and ridicule and double-talk and deception and nasty sass and “We-Know-It-All” deafness coming from City Hall and some City Depts. It isn’t much wonder citizens often feel like their participation is a waste of time, or worse.
Of course they give up… and that is often exactly what elected people and bureaucrats want… to be left alone with the City’s checkbook. So the self-named “Community Leaders” don’t need to point too many fingers at that single mom working two jobs. In fact, the self-named, “Holier-than-Thou” “Community Leaders” would be a lot more honest if they assumed THEIR rightful share of responsibility for so-called “voter apathy.”
These lazy, apathetic “Community Leaders” are the priests and ministers in the churches, the Grand PooBahs of the fraternal groups, the “Presidents” of the Historical Society and the Political Parties, the School Board, the Merchants’ Assoc. and Bowling League.
They are the officers of the Local 4440, CVB, the PTA and the E-I-E-I-O. They are the dignitaries of the Quilting Club, the Daughters of the Revolution, the Sons of the Pioneers and the lead Guitarist for the Hillsboro Mid-Life Marching Band. And every one of them sat by and did ZERO to get out the vote... or they simply worked to get out the vote for the candidate THEY chose. They didn’t act like the Community Leaders they tell everyone they are.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. They could actually earn their status as “Community Leaders” by doing something besides preening in front of every camera in town. Why can’t the School Board lock arms with the Methodist Church and the Downtown Coondog Assoc. to stage a City-wide effort to assure citizens that they do count and should go vote for the candidate of their choice?
What’s stopping the current Safety & Services Director from joining with the Chamber of Commerce and the West Main St. Brickdroppers L.L.C. to burn some shoe leather to convince citizens that their opinions and votes are really important?
What’s wrong with flat shutting every business in town down completely until noon on Election Day so employees and potential customers have plenty of time to go vote? What’s wrong with shutting the schools down until noon as a vivid lesson to our kids about the importance of voting – a lesson that will beat anything they would have learned in Don’t-Say-Jesus Class, anyway?
What’s wrong with a block party and decorations downtown on election day? What’s wrong with a merchant giving a free cup of coffee or a can of pop to everyone who comes in wearing one of those way-cool “I Voted” stickers? Or staging a raffle which requires the “I Voted” sticker to enter?
Seems to me these blow-dried local publicity-hounds who posture and strut and call themselves “Community Leaders” really should put their motion where their mouth is... or shut their mouth.
The upcoming Mayoral election will be a great opportunity to redeem themselves and it isn’t too early to start making plans now. The candidates have enough to do with their own campaigns, and that is their job – telling citizens WHAT they are voting for.
The “Get Out The Vote” efforts are the “WHY” message which is a Community’s responsibility and they actually should exceed the efforts made by the candidates. What activity could do more to identify someone as a true Community Leader than working with citizens to generate interest and excitement about participating in their government?
Jim Moore
Jackson Township[[In-content Ad]]
Hillsboro citizens’ choice for Mayor next November – Mr. Levo or Mr. Hastings – is very probably one of the most important Mayor choices in Hillsboro’s long history. That choice should be the choice of most of Hillsboro’s 4,700 registered voters, not most of 10% of the voters as was the disappointing turnout for this week’s primary election. But that can happen only if most of those 4,700 people go to the polls and vote.
Politicians, public employees with agendas of their own and our self-named “Community Leaders” will all wail and scold Hillsboro’s citizens about their “voter apathy.” But maybe that common reaction needs to be reined in a wee bit because some of those high-and-mighty critics are speaking with forked tongues.
Elected people, some public employees and even some so-called “Community Leaders” often do a lot – intentionally – to discourage participation by the everyday citizens.
Hillsboro’s citizens are no strangers to threats and ridicule and double-talk and deception and nasty sass and “We-Know-It-All” deafness coming from City Hall and some City Depts. It isn’t much wonder citizens often feel like their participation is a waste of time, or worse.
Of course they give up… and that is often exactly what elected people and bureaucrats want… to be left alone with the City’s checkbook. So the self-named “Community Leaders” don’t need to point too many fingers at that single mom working two jobs. In fact, the self-named, “Holier-than-Thou” “Community Leaders” would be a lot more honest if they assumed THEIR rightful share of responsibility for so-called “voter apathy.”
These lazy, apathetic “Community Leaders” are the priests and ministers in the churches, the Grand PooBahs of the fraternal groups, the “Presidents” of the Historical Society and the Political Parties, the School Board, the Merchants’ Assoc. and Bowling League.
They are the officers of the Local 4440, CVB, the PTA and the E-I-E-I-O. They are the dignitaries of the Quilting Club, the Daughters of the Revolution, the Sons of the Pioneers and the lead Guitarist for the Hillsboro Mid-Life Marching Band. And every one of them sat by and did ZERO to get out the vote... or they simply worked to get out the vote for the candidate THEY chose. They didn’t act like the Community Leaders they tell everyone they are.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. They could actually earn their status as “Community Leaders” by doing something besides preening in front of every camera in town. Why can’t the School Board lock arms with the Methodist Church and the Downtown Coondog Assoc. to stage a City-wide effort to assure citizens that they do count and should go vote for the candidate of their choice?
What’s stopping the current Safety & Services Director from joining with the Chamber of Commerce and the West Main St. Brickdroppers L.L.C. to burn some shoe leather to convince citizens that their opinions and votes are really important?
What’s wrong with flat shutting every business in town down completely until noon on Election Day so employees and potential customers have plenty of time to go vote? What’s wrong with shutting the schools down until noon as a vivid lesson to our kids about the importance of voting – a lesson that will beat anything they would have learned in Don’t-Say-Jesus Class, anyway?
What’s wrong with a block party and decorations downtown on election day? What’s wrong with a merchant giving a free cup of coffee or a can of pop to everyone who comes in wearing one of those way-cool “I Voted” stickers? Or staging a raffle which requires the “I Voted” sticker to enter?
Seems to me these blow-dried local publicity-hounds who posture and strut and call themselves “Community Leaders” really should put their motion where their mouth is... or shut their mouth.
The upcoming Mayoral election will be a great opportunity to redeem themselves and it isn’t too early to start making plans now. The candidates have enough to do with their own campaigns, and that is their job – telling citizens WHAT they are voting for.
The “Get Out The Vote” efforts are the “WHY” message which is a Community’s responsibility and they actually should exceed the efforts made by the candidates. What activity could do more to identify someone as a true Community Leader than working with citizens to generate interest and excitement about participating in their government?
Jim Moore
Jackson Township[[In-content Ad]]