Voting for Romney-Ryan and Josh Mandel will make a depression
To the editor:
I know that I live in a very Republican part of Ohio, but it is beyond my understanding how so many citizens of Highland County, who are not multi millionaires can support the Romney-Ryan ticket and Congressional and Senate Republicans.
Mitt Romney made his $250 million fortune by loading up companies with debt and then extracted million dollar fees from these very same companies so that he could tell them who should be fired in order to finance the debt payments he saddled them with in the first place.
It was just four years ago that the Mitt Romneys of the world came very close to destroying the world economy with greed, shortsightedness and the irresponsible use of debt in the pursuit of personal profit. Do you voters not remember how close we came to a depression worse than the Great Depression?
Now four years later you want to put these people in charge so that the can start doing the same thing again. Voters need to ask whom the Romney-Ryan ticket represents. Multi millionaires don’t want to pay for government provided infrastructure and healthcare for workers or put up with unions so they back Romney-Ryan.
Romney-Ryan has talked about the national debt but fails to mention that it already stood at $10.626 trillion when President Obama took office. This debt was thanks to two wars not paid for, two Bush tax cuts, Medicare part D medicine not paid for and all voted for by Paul Ryan who is now against debt. Romney-Ryan talks about the downgraded American credit but never mentions that the rating agencies said they blamed, “Republicans saying that they refused to accept any tax increase as part of a larger deal.”
I think that a recent Romney campaign stop in the Ohio coal fields shows his true concern for workers. As The Plain Dealer reports, “The Pepper Pike Company that owns the Century Mine told workers that attending the August 14 Romney event would be mandatory and unpaid. Managers communicated to our workforce that the attendance at the Romney event was mandatory, but no one was forced to attend.”
Now I know when my bosses told me my attendance was mandatory force was not involved, but keeping my job was. So Romney sure cares about the working people.
Alex Castellanos a former political adviser to Mitt Romney recently said, "At some point in a debate, Obama is going to turn and challenge Romney, saying, 'Mitt, you have nothing new to offer. In fact, on social issues, foreign policy, taxes, spending, Medicare and everything else, you have nothing different to offer than taking us back to what George Bush proposed. That's what got us into this mess.”
Voting for Romney-Ryan and Josh Mandel will once again make a depression possible. Austerity government that is being proposed by national Republicans does not work.
One only has to look at the terrible results in England, Ireland and Spain. Also you voters who helped vote down SB5 here in Ohio should remember Romney supported SB5 and would work for an SB5 covering the whole country.
John P. Hiestand