Searching for a copy of John Hanson Beadle publication
To the editor:
In the first four months of 1874, a history of the Woman's Temperance Crusade was published by Wilstach, Baldwin and Company.
It was authored by John Hanson Beadle. The title was "The Women's War on Whisky: Its History, Theory, and Prospects."
It is the best account I have seen of the Crusade. It has the only account I have ever seen of Crusade events by the female editor of the Bainbridge newspaper of that day. That's the woman who had earlier edited a newspaper in Leesburg.
There is no eBook available of this account at the Google Books project site. If anyone has a copy of this, please make the contact so that an electronic edition can be established that will be available.
This is not in the reference section of the Highland District Library.
Kelley Walker
Niles, Ohio