Online videos provide great insight for mayor's race
To the editor:
Let me just say that this is a first! I’ve never written a letter to the editor before.
I’ve just watched videos of all three GOP candidates vying for the office of Mayor of Hillsboro. What a great format! Thanks to our local media for allowing these candidates to put a face and voice to the names of those running for office. I sincerely hope that the readers of this online newspaper will watch these videos before the May primary.
I’m impressed by the qualities that all these men bring to the table. Mr. Daniels has experience on City Council and as a businessman. Mr. Mikkelsen is a person who has lived in our city for 10 years and exhibits a sincere vision for Hillsboro as well as a business background. Mr. Hastings has an eclectic background in many areas and I liked his attitude about “thinking outside the box.”
I feel that, in choosing our mayor, it’s important to put aside politics and pay close attention to the issues at hand. We, in Hillsboro, do have many issues to consider when making our choice. Most of these issues have been brought about by the present state of the economy across the
board – federal, state and local. It's a problem not unique to Hillsboro or Highland County.
Having said this, some of the problems have been caused by lack of forethought and fiscal responsibility. I want to go further and say that the present administration is not the sole owner of this situation.
Much of that which is wrong here, has been brewing for several years and has been exacerbated by the economic downturn.
I really hope that this paper and other forms of local media will provide us with video taped statements by the finalists for mayor in the general election, so that we may see the final two candidates in a less formal venue than a debate. The debates are great but so are the videotaped segments.
Harriet Fenner
Hillsboro[[In-content Ad]]
Let me just say that this is a first! I’ve never written a letter to the editor before.
I’ve just watched videos of all three GOP candidates vying for the office of Mayor of Hillsboro. What a great format! Thanks to our local media for allowing these candidates to put a face and voice to the names of those running for office. I sincerely hope that the readers of this online newspaper will watch these videos before the May primary.
I’m impressed by the qualities that all these men bring to the table. Mr. Daniels has experience on City Council and as a businessman. Mr. Mikkelsen is a person who has lived in our city for 10 years and exhibits a sincere vision for Hillsboro as well as a business background. Mr. Hastings has an eclectic background in many areas and I liked his attitude about “thinking outside the box.”
I feel that, in choosing our mayor, it’s important to put aside politics and pay close attention to the issues at hand. We, in Hillsboro, do have many issues to consider when making our choice. Most of these issues have been brought about by the present state of the economy across the
board – federal, state and local. It's a problem not unique to Hillsboro or Highland County.
Having said this, some of the problems have been caused by lack of forethought and fiscal responsibility. I want to go further and say that the present administration is not the sole owner of this situation.
Much of that which is wrong here, has been brewing for several years and has been exacerbated by the economic downturn.
I really hope that this paper and other forms of local media will provide us with video taped statements by the finalists for mayor in the general election, so that we may see the final two candidates in a less formal venue than a debate. The debates are great but so are the videotaped segments.
Harriet Fenner
Hillsboro[[In-content Ad]]