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HCSO agrees to forgo wage increase

To the editor:

Regarding your September 22 article entitled “Conciliator rules in favor of HCSO; department may consider layoffs,” the conciliator's report regarding the wage re-opener for the employees at the Highland County Sheriff’s Office was received by the parties on September 12, 2011.

Conciliator Jack McCormick agreed with Fact Finder David Stanton’s May 10, 2011 report that Highland County has the ability, should they choose too, to fund the modest wage increase of $0.33 for all 44 members of the Highland County Sheriff’s Office.

Upon receipt of the report, the negotiating committee received word from the Sheriff’s Consultant, Bob Cross in part, requesting the union “convene a meeting of your bargaining units to reconsider or to mutually agree to amend the Conciliator’s award” to avoid “a reduction in force of 7 to 9 deputies…” due to the fact the County Commissioners would not fund the increase.

As a result of this request, the bargaining unit members met to discuss the potential impact of the report on the Sheriff’s Office and, more importantly, the level of service provided to the citizens of Highland County.

After much discussion, the membership of the Highland County Sheriff’s Office believed it to be in the best interest of the Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Highland County to forgo the increase that both the Fact Finder and Conciliator believed the County had the ability to fund and continue to have their pay scale frozen at the same level it has been at since January 1, 2008.

Mark A. Scranton
Staff Representative
Fraternal Order of Police,
Ohio Labor Council, Inc.[[In-content Ad]]

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