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Deters' column more right-wing propaganda

To the editor:

I found Eric Deters' "Searching For Trust" column fascinating, coming from someone who has cherry-picked information and promoted partisan falsehoods on the public airwaves for years.

In this column, he at least concedes that Bachman, Romney and Perry seem fake. They do to me as well and even if they didn't seem fake, I wouldn't trust Bachman, Cain or Perry to care for my dog, let alone be president.

Romney has rather unique problem in this campaign. He is obviously intelligent and, unlike Perry, has an enviable record of actual accomplishments as governor and as a businessman that would make him a clear choice for the Republican nomination and possibly the next president if not for the advent of smoke and mirror politics aimed at what you term the Laverne and Shirleys of America.

Romney's situation brings to light what has happened in America quite nicely. He has the intelligence and record required to win the nomination and possible the presidency in a country where truth and reason prevail, but not in the wonderland that the vast right wing conspiracy has created. In order to win the nomination of a party whose primary process is now controlled by right wing fringe elements who put their agenda before the good of the country, Romney has to change his stance on a woman's right to choose, on global warming, and most interestingly of all, on health care.

The Massachusetts health care law, authored and pushed through by then Governor Romney has been so successful that it served as the model for the Affordable Health Care Act that, thanks to the overwhelming influence of the right wing echo chamber the public knows as Obamacare and opposes, even though substantial majority approve of practically every actual component rather than the lies and distortions they have been fed.

In a world where facts and reason prevailed, Romney would be proud to claim credit for a health care system that has insured 98 percent of Massachusetts residents, 99 percent of Massachusetts children, has increased the percent on companies offering health care to employees in the state from 70 to 77, that two out of three state residences approve of, that 88 percent of doctors in the state say improved or at least did not affect health care and that the president of the Unites States used as the model for a national health care plan.

Not so in the political wonderland that your right wing echo chamber has created. In this world where truth is whatever Limbaugh and his clones proclaim it to be Romney has to disassociate himself from what he should be taking credit for because not doing so would have him in agreement with or at least respecting actions of President Obama on something, which is political suicide for a Republican candidate in the party you and your ilk have molded.

You include Jon Huntsman as one of the Republican candidates "that seems fake to you." Actually, his problem is that he has not been willing to change, or fake changing positions of various issues to please AIM ( angry ignorant masses) that now control the Republican Party. He committed political suicide in announcing his candidacy when he championed fiscal restraint, restraint in foreign policy and above all restraint in attacking President Obama by saying, "He and I have a difference of opinion on how to help the country we both love, but the question each of us want voters to answer is who will be the better president, not who is the better American."

This civility and call for restraint did not sit well with AIM who want the president's very citizenship to be the issue.

I don't know you and have never listened to you on the air except once by accident. I stopped listening to all right wing talk shows when it became obvious that they were nothing but infomercials for plutocracy. At first I actually believed that they were a sort of town meeting of the air where various views could be expressed but soon found that intelligent callers who wanted to express other than extreme right wing views were screened out.

If the audience Rush and the rest of the right wing echo chamber serves were to go to non partisan or on line and check out the stuff put out every day there would be no right wing talk radio and FOX news would have to start actually being fair and balanced but you and I both know they are not going to do that.

I understand that Rush has a $400 million contract to sell plutocracy to the masses. If the plutocrats were to be unable to fulfill the contract and George Soros were to offer him a $400 million contract to undo the damage he has done and promote improving lives of regular Americans, do you have any doubt that he would take the deal?

You claim that President Obama has violated public trust on so many fronts that he has lost consent of the governed to be governed. In my opinion, the far left has seen something in candidate Obama that he wasn't and heard him say things that he didn't say and so has the far right. He is and has always been a fairly moderate Democrat and pragmatist who, checking back, has kept very one of his campaign pledges that he had the power to keep but one, which was closing of Guantanamo.

If you can find another, please advise. Pretend that you are communicating with people other than those who tune in to right wing talk radio every day to recharge their hatred for President Obama.

If I were to fault him it would be for being naive enough to believe that he could actually change the atmosphere in Washington by extending a hand of friendship to Republicans. As it turned out it was about as dumb as believing that one could make friends with a rabid dog if you talked nice to it and patted it on the head.

Only now he seems to have realized that it is impossible to work with a party that puts making him a one-term president its primary goal that overrides everything else and that is willing to put the country back into a recession or worse to do it. I hope the realization has not come too late to prevent a party so power hungry and insensitive to the plight of the American people from seizing total control of government.   

Charles Leach
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