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Charity seeks contributions

To the editor:

I am writing to ask the local business community to consider our organization for your year-end giving.

Got Forgiveness?, Inc. is a faith-based 501(c)(3) public charity making an impact in the Hillsboro area. We help struggling families prevent their utilities from being disconnected or prevent their family’s eviction.  

I founded Got Forgiveness? after experiencing personal medical problems and the death of my 19-year-old cousin after his courageous four-year battle with cancer.  

In evaluating my life, I discovered a desire to share my love, hope and faith with others. And that is exactly what Got Forgiveness? does. Our tangible assistance has impacted 474 family members, but unfortunately many opportunities to help have been missed. Your donation would help bridge that gap. Our program is not just a charitable transaction, but an offer of lifelong friendships and life skills that will equip the families we serve to maintain financial security for their basic needs and beyond.

Please consider sending your tax-deductible year-end contribution to Got Forgiveness? at P.O. Box 1797, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133.

Your support will make a great difference in the lives of our many neighbors who are in need.

Thanks and God bless you.

Kristy Williams
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