Sunrush Water announces expansion in Wellston

(Photo provided by OhioSE)
Your Bottled Water, LLC dba Sunrush Water, in collaboration with JobsOhio, Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE) and Jackson County Economic Development Partnership, has announced an investment of over $100,000 to expand its operations in Jackson County, creating three new jobs.
Sunrush Water bottles water through its own treatment and proprietary processing technique for commercial use. The company also serves water distributors across the Midwest.
"We at Sunrush Water are very excited about the new project,” said Michael Blum, owner of Sunrush Water. “With the help of the JobsOhio Small Business Grant, we will be able to provide other regional bottling companies and distributors with a broader range of products that they would normally have to source from other parts of the country or even other countries."
After a previous expansion that doubled revenue, the company continues to create jobs in Wellston. With this investment, the company plans to purchase a blow molding machine and establish a plastic bottle manufacturing line.
“Sunrush Water came to Jackson County in 2020 and has been making a splash ever since,” said Sam Brady, President and CEO of the Jackson County Economic Development Partnership. “With this latest investment, the company will continue its growth trajectory thanks to the financial support of JobsOhio.”
This investment is supported by a $50,000 JobsOhio Small Business Grant. The JobsOhio Small Business Grant provides grants to support the growth of small businesses that face unique challenges because they are either located in a qualifying zip code or are owned by an eligible population, which includes minorities, women, veterans and people with disabilities. To qualify the company must have an eligible project and meet business size and industry requirements.
“We are thrilled to support Sunrush Water as they invest in Wellston, reinforcing their commitment to innovation and growth in the region,” said Katy Farber, Vice President of OhioSE. “This investment will create new opportunities, strengthen the local economy, and contribute to the long-term success of Sunrush and the community.”
The Jackson County Economic Development Partnership (JCEDP) is the lead economic development agency for Jackson County Ohio and its municipalities. Founded in 1989, JCEDP is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit economic development organization that functions as a public-private partnership. JCEDP provides support to local government and Jackson County’s incumbent private sector companies for the purpose of expansion, retention, and attraction of new business investment. JCEDP is a founding member of the Joint Economic Development Initiative of Southern Ohio (JEDISO) and is served by the Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE) JobsOhio network partner. Learn more at
Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE) is the JobsOhio Network Partner for southern, eastern, and southeastern Ohio, providing economic development work and resources in 25 rural counties. Geographically the largest of the seven regions across the state, OhioSE partners closely with regional development districts, local economic development offices, state agencies and other entities to expand, retain and attract businesses in the counties they serve. Learn more at
JobsOhio, Ohio's private nonprofit economic development corporation, enhances company growth and personnel development through business attraction, retention and expansion across 10 competitive industry sectors. With a team of seasoned professionals, JobsOhio utilizes a comprehensive network to foster talent production in targeted industries and attract talent through Find Your Ohio. Collaborating with seven regional partners, including Dayton Development Coalition, Lake to River Economic Development, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, One Columbus, REDI Cincinnati, Regional Growth Partnership, and Team NEO, JobsOhio delivers world-class customer service to provide companies with a competitive advantage. Learn more at Follow JobsOhio on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
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