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Sheriff kicks off "Click It or Ticket" campaign

Sheriff Kicks off "Click It or Ticket" Campaign for the Month of May
Highland County Sheriff Ron Ward announces the kick off to this year's "Click It or Ticket" campaign. The campaign begins on May 24 and runs through Memorial Day weekend. Sheriff's deputies will be out in force to encourage safe driving behavior and enforcing seat belt usage.
For a seventh consecutive year, the Ohio Department of Public Safety is teaming up with all local law enforcement and emergency responders to increase seat belt usage. During the year's campaign, running the month of May through the Memorial Day weekend, law enforcement will adopt a zero tolerance policy to those not buckling up. Sheriff Ward warns, "If you're stopped for a violation and are not wearing a required safety belt or don't have children properly restrained in child safety seats, expect a ticket." And those ticket can cost you from $85 up to $15, depending on what jurisdiction you're ticketed in.
"Seat belt usage shouldn't be just a financial decision," continued Sheriff Ward. "Last year, more than half of all Ohioans who died on our roadways in motor vehicle crashes were unbuckled." While a seat belt may not have prevented all of these deaths, experts predict it would have saved many.
"It's especially important for young drivers to continue the habit of using seat belts," stated Ward. "As parents, you may have to beg, plead, even get mad... do whatever it takes to make your kids buckle up every trip, every time."
"Our mission is to save lives," concluded Sheriff Ward. "Wearing a seat belt and insisting that those who travel with you buckle up is the easiest thing you can do to protect yourself, your friends and your family."
Highland County Sheriff Ron Ward announces the kick off to this year's "Click It or Ticket" campaign. The campaign began on May 24 and runs through Memorial Day weekend. Sheriff's deputies will be out in force to encourage safe driving behavior and enforcing seat belt usage.
For a seventh consecutive year, the Ohio Department of Public Safety is teaming up with all local law enforcement and emergency responders to increase seat belt usage. During the year's campaign, running the month of May through the Memorial Day weekend, law enforcement will adopt a zero tolerance policy to those not buckling up. Sheriff Ward warns, "If you're stopped for a violation and are not wearing a required safety belt or don't have children properly restrained in child safety seats, expect a ticket." And those ticket can cost you from $85 up to $15, depending on what jurisdiction you're ticketed in.
"Seat belt usage shouldn't be just a financial decision," continued Sheriff Ward. "Last year, more than half of all Ohioans who died on our roadways in motor vehicle crashes were unbuckled." While a seat belt may not have prevented all of these deaths, experts predict it would have saved many.
"It's especially important for young drivers to continue the habit of using seat belts," stated Ward. "As parents, you may have to beg, plead, even get mad... do whatever it takes to make your kids buckle up every trip, every time."
"Our mission is to save lives," Ward said. "Wearing a seat belt and insisting that those who travel with you buckle up is the easiest thing you can do to protect yourself, your friends and your family."


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