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ODOT crews begin treating roads, warn against driving on treacherous routes

Ohio Department of Transportation crews throughout District 9 have begun treating roads across much of the district, which includes Adams, Brown, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross and Scioto counties.
Currently, road conditions vary from snow covered in the western part of the district to wet and lightly snow covered elsewhere. Routes throughout the area are very slick, and with the rate of accumulation increasing, it is anticipated that routes will become snow covered very quickly.
Crews will continue their efforts to treat and plow the state highway system until the winter storm has moved through the area.
As always, motorists are advised to exercise additional caution, remembering that conditions can change quickly and from mile to mile.
Those who must travel during inclement weather and winter storms should allow additional travel time, be aware of snow and possible ice on roadways, particularly on bridges and overpasses, and reuce their speed significantly. Remember: Ice and Snow...Take it Slow!
Road condition information for District 9 and throughout Ohio is available online at
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