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ODNR teams up with area partners to expand Cooperrider-Kent Bog State Nature Preserve

Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Press Release

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), with the help of the Ohio Valley Conservation Coalition and the Portage Park District, has expanded the Tom S. Cooperrider-Kent Bog State Nature Preserve to protect an additional 75 acres.

“We cherish this unique and important nature preserve which safeguards one of Ohio’s largest bogs,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz said. “Protecting areas like this help to preserve Ohio’s natural landscape so more people can enjoy the wonders of the outdoors.”

The ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves’ mission to protect the additional bog and uplands began nearly 10 years ago.

“The easiest part of expanding an important natural area like Cooperrider-Kent Bog is identifying tracts of land with characteristics reminiscent of the original site,” ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves Chief Jeff Johnson said. “What is remarkable about this expansion is that it was accomplished because of our community partners’ deep commitment to land preservation.”

ODNR worked with the Portage Park District and the Ohio Valley Conservation Coalition to find different funding sources to make the purchase of the additional land possible.

“We’re proud to partner with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in the permanent protection and stewardship of this rare and important habitat, preserving our natural heritage as a valuable legacy for generations to come,” Portage Park District Director Christine Craycroft said.

Last month, the 75 acres were formally dedicated as part of Cooperrider-Kent Bog State Nature Preserve, which increased the size of the beloved preserve to 123 acres. The expanded preserve now protects rare sedge meadow habitat along with a shrub bog that harbors four state listed species, including few-seeded sedge, straw sedge, leather-leaf and tamarack.

Portage Park District will continue to own and manage the new 75-acre addition in addition to the adjacent parkland, while the management of the rest of the preserve will continue to be handled by the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves.

Located in the city of Kent and Brimfield Township, Cooperrider-Kent Bog is a living relic from Ohio’s glacial past. The preserve protects unique habitats and species including the largest, southernmost stand of tamarack — a native deciduous conifer tree — in the continental United States. Open daily, a 0.6-mile boardwalk trail leads visitors through the tamarack-shrub bog and sedge meadow habitats. Learn more about the nature preserve at….

The ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves is dedicated to preserving and protecting Ohio’s unique natural heritage and restoring the finest land and water resources in the state by managing a system of 144 state nature preserves and 15 scenic rivers.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at