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Judge Coss extends offer of assistance to clerk's office


To: Paulette Donley

Clerk of Courts

105 N. High St.

Hillsboro, Ohio 45133


Dear Paulette,


   After talking with you and the commissioners yesterday, regarding the concerns of Judge Kline and the Court of Appeals about the handling of their cases in your office, I am extending an offer of assistance from my staff to help relieve some of your workload regarding the Court of Common Pleas cases. If my staff performs these duties for you, it will make more time for your staff and you to devote to the appellate cases.

   When I first assumed office in August of 2008, the court staff had traditionally pulled case files from the Clerk’s office for the Magistrate

and the Judge’s docket. That is a common practice in other courts. Sometime after I took office, you advised my staff that you and your staff would do that. Typically, your staff pulls all of the files for my docket for the following week on Friday. That can be as many as 60-80 files depending on the schedule. You also do that for the domestic relations docket. While I appreciate that service, it is something that you do not have to do.

   During the week, we almost always have need for numerous additional files as persons are arrested and need arraigned, or I need to work on a case not on the docket.  This means that my staff has to request your staff to pull the file which diverts them from their current activities. If my staff pulls the files as was the former practice, this should save you and your staff several hours a week which you could then devote to other duties in your office including the Court of Appeals. It would also cut down on disruptions to the tasks being worked on by your staff.

   It would also save work for everyone, because the docket almost always includes cases that have been completed or continued. The current computer system does not delete cases from the daily docket if they are terminated or if there has been a continuance. This results in several files being pulled each week that are not needed which then must be refiled. After the hearings, my staff could also refile those files as well as others that were on the docket in which there were no new documents filed. This would also save you and your staff time.

   Marsha also suggested that you transfer the yellow notary application forms to this office so that applicants can come directly to this office

once they have passed the test rather than going to your office first. This is a minor thing, but I handle several notary applications each week and it could save some disruption to your office activity. They would only have to bring their commissions to you for recording once they receive them.

   Also, if you have documents that are file stamped and scanned, but not yet in the file, my staff could do this as well before bringing them back to your office to be filed. You would need to indicate somehow that the documents have been scanned.

   My staff could provide you with a log of each file removed from your office so that you would know that it is in this office. This could be a

master log or an individual sheet that could be placed in the file drawer when the file is removed or another method that you approve.

   I know that there are some forms that need to be completed in criminal cases such as notices to various agencies if a defendant holds a state license or certificate. My staff could fill those out for you if you would provide us the forms.

   We are already copying all of the plea forms, verdict entries and sentencing entries for defendants sentenced to prison, and my office stamps my signature on all copies of civil entries. We also mail all notices not e-mailed from this office. If there are other similar things that my staff could do for you to help relieve some of the workload, please let me know and we will determine if they can do them to help you free time for other duties.

   I would also suggest that you explore asking the Green Thumb or similar programs that place employees in government offices for a person who could do things such as scanning documents, stuffing and mailing envelopes etc. Also, the Department of Jobs and Family Services may have people receiving benefits that are required to provide community service that could do these types of things.  With unemployment being what it is, there are many people

receiving benefits who have excellent work records and office skills.

   If you or the county commissioners have any other ideas how this office can help, please let me know. Given the state of the county’s budget and the unanticipated expense of the capital murder case, it is incumbent on all of us to try to find other ways to get the job done without expending additional public funds.

   Please let me know your thoughts on these ideas. If you want to meet with the commissioners and me to discuss other ideas, let me know.


   Rocky A. Coss, Judge

   cc: County Commissioners,

Court of Appeals 

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