Inpatient Rehabilitation: Key to recovery success
Kris Donley, RN-
Adena Greenfield Medical Center (AGMC) offers an inpatient CARF Accredited Rehabilitation unit that treats a wide variety of patients with conditions such as stroke, hip fractures, joint replacements, medical deconditioning, brain injuries, and cardiac surgery. Today we will be reviewing the benefits of inpatient rehabilitation for patients that have recently had a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG).
CABG is an operation that improves blood flow to the heart; it is used for people that have severe coronary artery disease. During CABG, the rib cage is opened and a healthy artery or vein from the body is connected, or grafted to the blocked coronary artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses the blocked portion of the coronary artery. This creates a new passage, and oxygen-rich blood is routed around the blockage to the heart muscle.
Following a CABG procedure, patients are instructed to wait six weeks before starting an intensive outpatient cardiac rehab program. It is not uncommon for a patient to experience a variety of issues after a CABG such as weakness, decreased endurance, fatigue, and a poor understanding of sternal/cardiac precautions. All of these issues may impede a patient’s ability to return home safely after surgery. An inpatient rehab stay can provide the bridge that is needed to assist patients through this transitional time and increase their success with their outpatient cardiac rehab program.
While in rehab, patients will participate in Physical and Occupational Therapy along with other disciplines such as Rehab Nursing and Recreational Therapy. Under the care of the Inpatient Medical Director, who is specialized in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, patients will have the opportunity to build endurance, decrease fatigue, practice walker safety, and receive the instructions and education needed to adhere to the sternal/cardiac precautions that their cardiologist has ordered. The cardiac patients at AGMC Rehab are involved in a structured rehab program that educates, encourages and promotes the independence that is needed to return home safely. The knowledge and care received during an inpatient rehab admission can be the key to recovery success.
To learn more about positive patient outcomes and the services provided at Adena Greenfield Medical Center, call (937) 981-9237.
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