Finding for recovery of $70,195 issued against former A+ Arts Academy treasurer in Columbus
A finding for recovery of $70,195 was issued recently against the former treasurer of the A+ Arts Academy in Columbus, after she allegedly failed to remit tax withholdings from employee earnings, Auditor of State Keith Faber announced.
Candace Wyant and her bonding company are jointly and severally liable for the late fee penalties and interest, which are noted in an audit of the Academy’s finances from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.
A copy of the full report is available online via Search Audits (
Wyant was the designated fiscal officer for the A+ Arts Academy from August 2018 through July 2020 and was responsible for timely filing taxes withheld from employees pay.
During her time as treasurer, auditors determined late filings were allegedly made to the Internal Revenue Service in six consecutive quarters and to the City of Columbus in five consecutive quarters, resulting in penalties and interest of $55,094 and $15,101, respectively.
According to auditors, “These incurred costs were unnecessary expenditures that did not serve a proper public purpose and could have been avoided had the funds been remitted by the required due dates.”