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Whiteoak Jr./Sr. High School perfect attendance


Whiteoak Jr./Sr. High School perfect attendance, third nine weeks:


7th Grade                                                                                     

Kyle Adams

Caitlyn Arledge                                                                      

Dorothy Arledge                                                                     

Caitlin Becraft                                                                                    

Cody Feck                                                                                    

Grant Germann   

Matthew Hart                                                                                   

Emily Stratton

Zackary Taggett

Alexandra Tolle

Zachary Vogtli

Nicholas Wishart


8th Grade                                                                         

Stephen Anderson                                                                      

Eric Brandenburg                                                                      

Jason Jones                                                                  

Jake Minter                                                                                    

Rikki Morris                                                                                    

Kelsey Oliver                                                                                    

Hannah Walker                                                                      

Victoria Walker                                                                      

Elayna Ward                                                                                   

Nicholas Wardlow

Tyler Williams


9th Grade                                                                                     

Leonard Becraft                                                                     

Amber Blair

Justin Butler

Zachary Docter

Morgan Lehr

Jennah Lomske

Leanna Lomske

Brittini Vanzandt


10th Grade

Dylan Campbell

Rose McCann

Ryan McCann

Corey Reed

Ronald Sansone

Jacob Taylor


11th Grade

Haley Bingamon

Dawn Brown

Angel Cherry

Mark Crowe

Cody Morgan

Steven Oney

Steven Stone

Nathali Taggert


12th Grade

James Burrier

Blair Maynard


Perfect Attendance, Academic Awards Ceremony


7th Grade

Eric Brandenburg

Shana Deer

Jason Jones

Rikki Morris

Hannah Walker

Tyler Williams


8th Grade

Justin Butler

Brittini VanZandt


9th Grade

David Deer

Ronald Sansone

Wesley Stratton

Jacob Taylor


10th Grade

Taryn Christy

Steven Oney

Nathanial VanWinkle


11th Grade

Ethan Hawkins

Sean Hurt

Monica Palmer


12th Grade

Shawn Farkas

Kurtis Morgan

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