SOESC board members honored during School Board Recognition Month

Pictured are: (front, l-r) Martha Gausman, Linda Stepp, Dr. Norma Kirby and Mrs. Ruth Ann Ruth; (back, l-r) Roger West, Dennis Mount, Rod Lane, Richard Peck and Todd Hixson.
January is School Board Recognition Month. Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC) celebrates its board members' dedication and commitment to serving over 20,000 students and 2,000 teachers in Adams, Clinton, Fayette and Highland counties while supporting and serving as the fiscal agent for the Region 14 State Support Team and Hopewell Center. Assisting school districts with their academic improvement efforts and a wide range of educational services and supports, Southern Ohio ESC board members remain committed to teaming with our districts to maintain a focus on children and their needs.
“With the leadership of the Southern Ohio ESC Governing Board, we remain steadfast in providing high-quality services,” states Curt Bradshaw, SOESC Superintendent. “During School Board Recognition Month, we take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to our dedicated Governing Board members. Their unwavering commitment and thoughtful leadership are essential to the success of the students in our region and the future success of our schools.”
On Jan. 14, the board was honored with a special recognition dinner to acknowledge their dedication, commitment, and vision as school board members, held in conjunction with the Southern Ohio ESC Organizational Governing Board meeting.
As Bradshaw explains, “School board members give the community a voice in education decision-making. Even though we make a special effort to show our appreciation in January, their contribution is a year-round commitment. We are truly fortunate to have a team that works so diligently to ensure that children all throughout our region have the opportunity to thrive. On behalf of the Southern Ohio ESC, we thank our board members for their invaluable contributions and service to our communities served.”
Governing Board members serving the Southern Ohio ESC are Ms. Martha Gausman, Mr. Todd Hixson, Dr. Norma Kirby, Mr. Rod Lane, Mr. Dennis Mount, Mr. Richard Peck, Mrs. Ruth Ann Ruth, Mrs. Linda Stepp, and Mr. Roger West.
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC) provides innovative solutions and dynamic partnerships to empower excellence in education and community success. Serving school districts across Southern Ohio, SOESC is committed to transforming education for students and communities.
The Southern Ohio ESC employs over 100 professional educators dedicated to supporting the needs of students and schools. In addition to the SOESC Wilmington office, SOESC employees are headquartered at the Region 14 Hopewell Center, the Southern Ohio Learning Center, and within the public school districts of Adams, Clinton, Fayette, and Highland counties.