Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members exhibit swine at the Highland County Fair

Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA member Connor Yochum is pictured exhibiting his first-place pig. (Submitted photo)
The Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA Chapter had five members show pigs at the 2024 Highland County Fair.
The swine arrived on the Saturday morning before the fair and got weighed in to determine what classes they would show in.
The first part of the pig show is showmanship, which took place on the Monday of the fair. Showmanship is judged upon how well an exhibitor works with their animal. Leah Vance, Connor Yochum and Dalayna Collins all competed in the showmanship.
Yochum was the fourth overall age 14 Showman, and Dalayna Collins was the third Overall Senior Showman.
On Tuesday morning, Corbin and Claire Winkle as well as the other members who competed in showmanship woke up early to show in the breeding and market show. After Collins started the day with her third-place Tamworth gilt, the market show started.
Yochum won the first class of the day with his crossbred barrow and was fifth with his other. Claire Winkle was second in class. Vance showed two pigs. Collins was third and fourth, and Corbin Winkle had the fourth overall market hog.
We are so proud of our exhibitors.
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