Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members earn awards in 2024 Highland County Alpaca and Llama Show

Pictured, in both rows, are Addy Knauff, left, and Dalayna Collins. (Submitted photos)
As we reflect back on the 2024 Highland County Fair, we would like to congratulate two of our Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members who excelled in the Alpaca and Llama show. These two exhibitors are Dalayna Collins and Addy Knauff.
Collins showed her alpaca named “Bilbo.” Collins and Bilbo received Reserve Overall Champion in the obstacle course as well as third in the halter class. Collins and Bilbo also received Overall Alpaca Showmen, which led them to a spot in Showman of Showmen and third in the costume contest, where they were dressed up as Scooby Doo and Velma.
Collins also received an outstanding record book for the 16-year-old division, outstanding market exhibitor for the 16-year-old division and overall skillathon winner for the 16-year-old division.
Knauff exhibited multiple alpacas and llama during the 2024 Highland County Fair. She received Reserve Overall all in Alpaca Showmanship with Diesel, her alpaca. Knauff also received Reserve Grand Champion in the halter show with her alpaca Maysun.
Knauff received Grand Champion in the costume contest with her alpaca Diesel. She and her alpaca Diesel dressed up as veterans. Knauff received third in the obstacle course with her alpaca, Diesel.
Knauff also showed her llama named “Tucker” in showmanship, receiving Reserve Overall Alpaca and Llama Showman. Knauff also had the Outstanding Record Book for the 17-year-old division, was Outstanding Skillathon Winner for the 17-year-old division and was Overall Outstanding Market Exhibitor for Alpacas and Llamas.
Congratulations to Collins and Knauff on your winnings during the 2024 Highland County Fair. The Hillsboro Great Oaks chapter is very proud to call you both members as well as officers.
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