Fairfield FFA's Adam Berwanger named state finalist in Diversified Crop Production Proficiency

Adam Berwanger. (Submitted photo)
Fairfield FFA member Adam Berwanger was announced as a Top 4 State Finalist for his Diversified Crop Production Proficiency. Berwanger will interview at the end of March to finalize his placing in this division.
In this project, Berwanger manages about 41 acres of hay, wheat and beans for resale. He purchases the seed, plants it, performs all the fertilization and spraying, then harvests and resells these crops.
Berwanger’s overall career goal is to be a full-time farmer. This project has been ongoing since the start of his high school career and is still active.
Berwanger will find out at the Ohio FFA State Convention this May what his final placing will be and if his application will move on to the national level.
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