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  • Thanksgiving Bird

    "You can do this," I told him. "You can raise this baby and in time I will let him fly through the creek valley sky, and after he flies he will always return." I stood there. "We can do this," I told him. "We can do this."

  • Thanksgiving Bird

    "You can do this," I told him. "You can raise this baby and in time I will let him fly through the creek valley sky, and after he flies he will always return." I stood there. "We can do this," I told him. "We can do this."

  • White Bird
    I am glad that I learned how to care for my bird. It had occurred to me to simply chop off his head, but now I am thankful that I did not. The bill was well worth the learning, and as for next time ... I now know how to order the medications on line and administer them myself. 
  • White Bird
    I am glad that I learned how to care for my bird. It had occurred to me to simply chop off his head, but now I am thankful that I did not. The bill was well worth the learning, and as for next time ... I now know how to order the medications on line and administer them myself. 
  • Thankful for creek time


  • Thankful for creek time


  • Walking the dogs
    We have been taking the horses for walks up and down the road on their leads, but we have been leaving the dogs behind. We thought it best to move slowly into our hopefully new routine of walking all six of us together.
  • Walking the dogs
    We have been taking the horses for walks up and down the road on their leads, but we have been leaving the dogs behind. We thought it best to move slowly into our hopefully new routine of walking all six of us together.
  • For the love of a machine
    No doubt about it. This old machine is one of my prized friends. She works as hard as I ask, and is always eager to get out and get the job done. I have never heard a complaint from my sweet, faded yellow, 580 D backhoe. I smiled as I headed up the hill to bake that pie.
  • For the love of a machine
    No doubt about it. This old machine is one of my prized friends. She works as hard as I ask, and is always eager to get out and get the job done. I have never heard a complaint from my sweet, faded yellow, 580 D backhoe. I smiled as I headed up the hill to bake that pie.
  • Between summer and our imaginations
    We are building a passive solar, four-season greenhouse. The sheets of polycarbonate glazing lie stacked and ready. The metal frame lies scattered across the shop floor-like the pieces of a giant erector set, but putting together the actual greenhouse building does not seem to be the real challenge.
  • Mea culpa!
    It could not have been a more perfect day to get the honey off of the hives. The morning was cool and there was only a slight chance of rain. I smiled to think that the occasional cloud would help to keep the afternoon relatively cool as well.
  • A holiday weekend
    I woke up this morning to the rooster’s early call. It was not quite light out. I looked out of the loft window before I went downstairs. I paused. A gray fog was spilling through the trees, up the hill from the creek. The rooster called again. It seemed that the morning fog had dampened his call, but still, he was right. It was time to get moving.
  • Summer's passing song
    With each passing song, I felt the evening's cool breeze turn to a downright chill. I pulled my chair closer to Greg, and leaned into him for warmth. It had never occurred to me to bring a jacket when we left the creek, but I certainly wished that I had.
  • It all makes sense
    The old saying immediately flashed in neon across my mind, but as it did, it occurred to me that I would revise it just a bit. Don't put all your eggs into one, hastily made, basket. Somehow, it all made perfect sense.
  • Steam Power
    It is no wonder that I love steam engines. I suppose that it is no wonder that I drop whatever it is that I really should be doing, taking honey off the hives, canning tomatoes, or even weeding, and eagerly head up to the antique machinery show, thoughts of my father in tow.
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