KAMP Dovetail Krusade Dinner set for June 1
SATH is so excited about their upcoming fundraiser and would like to invite the community to attend the 10th annual KAMP Dovetail Krusade Dinner on June 1 at the Hillsboro Elementary School on U.S. Route 62
KAMP Dovetail is located at Rocky Fork State Park, just outside of Hillsboro. Each year, over 325 children with various disabilities attend KAMP Dovetail, the only camp of its kind in the area. Staff members and counselors are all volunteers, which allow campers to attend for virtually no cost to their families. For more information, visit www.kampdovetail.com and help support this unforgettable experience.
Cash prizes totaling over $13,000 will be awarded during the evening, including the grand prize of $8,000. The first and every 10th ticket drawn will win $100; the 296th ticket will win $250; the 297th ticket wins $500; the 298th ticket wins $750; the 299th ticket wins $1,000 and the 300th ticket $8,000.
Tickets are $100, and only 300 tickets will be sold. Each ticket includes a steak or chicken dinner, provided by Hillsboro Ponderosa, and additional dinners may be purchased for $25. Dinner will be served between 6 and 7 p.m., and the drawing will begin at 7 p.m. You do not have to be present to win.
Purchase your ticket(s) early by contacting Linda Allen at (937) 366-6657. You may also make your check payable to the KAMP Dovetail Krusade and mail to KAMP Dovetail Krusade, 5350 West New Market Road, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133.
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