Hillsboro Emblem Club to host state meeting
The Hillsboro Emblem Club will be hosting the first state meeting of the Ohio State Association of Emblem Clubs and the West Virginia Club on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 9 and 10.
The Club held their September meeting on Tuesday the 14th with 13 members present. An informal meeting was held. The minutes and treasurer’s report were read and accepted. Committee reports were given by Jan Vosper, Americanism; Shirley Amshoff, Community Service & Sunshine; Christine Storer, Ways and Means; Emilie Dunnagan, on the State Meeting. President Christine reported on the State Convention held in June in Upper Sandusky.
Donations were approved for the SOPC Walk for Life and to the Ohio State Association of Emblem Clubs and the West Virginia Club for their 150 Club fundraiser. Members voted to bring canned goods in to be given to the Samaritan Outreach food drive in November and toys and stuffed animals will be brought in to the December meeting to be given to the surgery department at Highland District Hospital.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m.