Hillsboro Emblem Club holds February meeting
After missing the January meeting due to snow, the Hillsboro Emblem Club met on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at the Elks Lodge for their monthly meeting. Ten members were present. The informal meeting was opened in ritualistic form, and reports were given. A donation will be made to St. Mary Catholic Church in memory of member Shirley Amshoff’s husband, Ed, who recently passed away.
Americanism chairman, Jan Vosper, read a couple of articles on President’s Day and reminded members to fly their flags. Bingo was discussed, and a report was given by members who attended the 1st State meeting held in Willoughby, Ohio on Jan. 8 and 9.
A nominating committee was appointed and installation of officers will be held on Tuesday, May 10 with Past Supreme President, Billie Lee, of Fremont, Ohio performing the ceremony.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m.[[In-content Ad]]
Americanism chairman, Jan Vosper, read a couple of articles on President’s Day and reminded members to fly their flags. Bingo was discussed, and a report was given by members who attended the 1st State meeting held in Willoughby, Ohio on Jan. 8 and 9.
A nominating committee was appointed and installation of officers will be held on Tuesday, May 10 with Past Supreme President, Billie Lee, of Fremont, Ohio performing the ceremony.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m.[[In-content Ad]]