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Greenfield Library Link

Margaret Magee-
Well, not only is spring here, but it's only 50 days till Summer Reading Kick-off. But I don't want to rush things, so let's enjoy the flowers and green grass returning. Spring is one of my four favorite seasons, and to prepare, we have many great spring project books, organizing books and gardening books. You can get lots of new ideas while the ground is drying up and warming up and you're waiting to jump back on that mower. Check it out.

Check out these upcoming events:

 • April 11, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. - The Ohio Benefit Bank will be at the library to help you file your taxes. You need to call for an appointment. Household income needs to be less than $56,000. Bring your SSN and for all your dependents, W-2's, last year's tax return (if you have it), and any other income info. There is no charge for this service.
• April 19, 6-8 p.m. - Natalie Reeder from CET will join us to present a workshop for preschool caregivers. CEU units are available with this class. Besides the great information, there are always freebies - children's books and items to help with your work with preschoolers. Please pre-register for this workshop.

• April 20, 5 p.m. - Bookworms: Our adult book discussion group meets monthly on the third Wednesday. The book chosen for this month is a reader's choice of a classic book. Stop in and pick up a classic and join us. Everyone welcome.

• April 25, 6:30 p.m. - The Genealogy Club meets. Each month on the last Monday evening, this group meets to learn more about genealogy searching. This month will be great! Russ Pollitt from the Columbus Metropolitan Library will join us to share information on all the genealogy and other items that are available to us. Columbus Met has taken over all the genealogy info from the State Library as well as their own collection. We will come away with lots of new information about where to get our genealogy info as well as other items. Everyone invited. You won't want to miss this.

• May 10 & 11 - Perennial Exchange: This is an annual event that everyone seems to love. It's simple -- bring a perennial that you'd like to share and choose a perennial that you'd like to have. Or, bring 10 that you have, and ... you get the picture. Join in the fun.

 • Tuesday mornings - 11 a.m. Storytime for 2's & 3's. Stories, crafts, music, just lots of fun.

 • Drop-in crafts for kids - Check out the monthly crafts that kids can do when they visit the library!

 • Tax Forms - We have federal, state, local, & school district forms. Stop by & pick up what you need.

Greenfield Public Library is located at 1125 Jefferson Street, Greenfield, Ohio. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Phone $ 937-981-3772 or Fax # 937-981-5177 or find us on the web at[[In-content Ad]]

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