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Community Happenings

Homeless Shelter in need
of laundry supplies

During the month of April, the Highland County Homeless Shelter is gladly accepting
donations of: laundry supplies, including detergent, softener, and stain lifters.
You may leave your donation at the shelter at 145 Homestead Avenue in Hillsboro.â-You also can sign up for a drawing to win a $25 gift card from Stephano’s Pizza.

HHS After Prom
seeks contributions

The Hillsboro High School After Prom Committee is seeking monetary
donations, prize donations, food donations and volunteers for the 2011 event
that will take place from midnight to 4:30 a.m. immediately following the
prom on Saturday, April 30. For more information, call Gina Earley at
393-2645, Julie Wertsbaugh at 205-6859, Kim Wisman at 466-2877 or Sandy
Abell at 466-9202. Donations can be sent to: Hillsboro After Prom, 3732
Pleasant Road, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133,
Attention: Kim Wisman. Checks should be made payable to Hillsboro After
Prom. Cash donations need to be received by April 15.

Memorial crosses for
BLOOM available

You still have time to order memorial crosses from the B.L.O.O.M.
(Beautifying Lynchburg Our Only Mission) organization. The crosses will be
displayed in the park in the center of Lynchburg and/or at the Lynchburg
Historical Society at 440 North Main Street. The cost is $5 per cross.
Please make checks payable to BLOOM and send to P.O. BOX 875, Lynchburg,
Ohio 45142. For more information, please call Jenny at 364-6101 or Catherine
at 364-0015.

Leesburg American Legion
Post hosts Easter egg hunt

Leesburg American Legion Post 568 will hold its annual Easter egg hunt and
Easter basket giveaway Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m. in Highland at the
community park. Any questions, call Jim Crabtree at (937) 780-6760.

Butler receives scholarship
at Xavier University

   Alex Butler of Hillsboro has received a Trustee Scholarship from Xavier
University in Cincinnati. Alex graduated from Hillsboro High School in 2009
and was active as class president and as an intern for Congressman Michael
Turner. The son of Andrea Holt and Mark Butler, Alex hasn’t yet chosen a
major at Xavier.

Hillsboro Christian Academy
presents  'Arsenic and Old Lace'

Hillsboro Christian Academy presents "Arsenic and Old Lace" on Friday April
29, with a matinee at 10 a.m. and an evening performance at 6:30 p.m.
   Tickets are $5 for the matinee and $10 for the evening show.
   Call 937-393-8422 for information.

Hillsboro Free Will Baptist Church
welcomes The Quicks April 10

   Hillsboro Free Will Baptist Church will be hosting The Quicks on Sunday,
April 10 at 10:30 a.m. Together as a group since 1999, their musical blend
is mirrored by a closeness in their daily walk with the Lord and each other.
Come and learn about the God this family has chosen to serve and leave with
an understanding of how they continue trusting and believing in Him. A
cordial welcome is extended to all.

Tree sale pickup April 8
The Highland Soil and Water Conservation Districts tree seedling orders will
be ready for pickup on Friday, April 8 (7:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.). The one-day
pickup will be held at the Liberty Township Building, located on Moore Road
across from Seal-Tite. The building will only be open during these times, so
make arrangements to pick up your trees that day. There are a few tree
packets still available on a first come first serve basis. If you are
interested in purchasing tree seedlings, stop by the Liberty Township
building Friday during the pick-up times or contact the Highland SWCD office
at 393-1922 ext. 3.

Funds sought for
Veterans Memorial

   The Highland County Commissioners and the VFW are placing a Veterans
Memorial on the Highland County Courthouse lawn. The cost of the memorial is
$50,000. In order to raise the money, they will put any veteran’s name on a
brick for $50. All Highland County veterans are eligible. The committee will
also accept donations. Any veteran who wants to buy a brick may contact the
VFW at 393-0211 or call 393-9638.

Local historian seeks
information on
Morrow Road church

   Highland County historian Bob Patton is looking for information on the
church which was formerly located on Morrow Road at the location of the Fall
Creek (Liberty) Cemetery. He believes that it was a Presbyterian church and
that the building was abandoned around the 1950s and demolished about 40
years ago. He would like to see a photograph of the church, if any still
exist. He can be reached at (937) 466-2384.

Sunnyside Church of Christ
   The Sunnyside Church of Christ invites the public to visit its worship
service. The Bible study and worship service are at the Grange Building of
the Highland County Fairgrounds. The Bible study begins at 9:30 a.m.
Sundays. The worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Spring concerts
at The Barn

   Southern Ohio’s concert showplace, The Fling Barn, welcomes two popular
performers to usher in The Barn’s 2011 spring concert series. On April 23,
David Rhodes Brown returns to The Barn, and on May 12, the Kentucky
Headhunters perform at the Folsom events center.
   Tickets are $49 per person and this includes admission to both concerts.
For tickets, call (937) 393-2500, stop by Academy Pet Hospital at 1440 N.
High St., in Hillsboro, or e-mail: The Barn is located
at 8205 West Berrysville Road, south of Hillsboro off Route 247.

Sugar Grove United
Methodist Church dinner

   Sugar Grove United Methodist Church, located at 4679 S.R. 41 SE,
Washington Court House, will hold a tenderloin/chicken dinner April 9 from
4-7 p.m. The cost is $7 for adults, $4 for children 10 and under. Grilled
tenderloin or grilled chicken breast, baked potato or baked sweet potato,
green beans, cole slaw, roll and butter, desserts, tea, coffee, and lemonade
will be served.

Got Forgiveness? opens fundraising gift shop
   Got Forgiveness? is located at 133 Walnut Street, below The Back Porch,
in Hillsboro. Got Forgiveness? recently had a public office donated and
would like to encourage the community to visit their fundraising gift shop
where donated items are made available in exchange for monetary donations.
   The fundraising shop is open every second and third Saturday from  9
a.m. to 4 p.m., or call 402-8415 for an appointment.

Presbyterian Women’s
luncheon April 9

   The annual Presbyterian Women’s tasting luncheon will be Saturday, April
9 at 11:30 a.m. in the First Presbyterian Church, 457 Jefferson St.,
Greenfield. Tickets include a taste of over 40 recipes and a cookbook. Adult
tickets are $10 and children under 12 are $3. Everyone is welcome.

Wee Care open house
   Wee Care will host an open house on Thursday, April 28 from 6-7:30 p.m.
for the 2011-12 school year. Bring your preschool child, meet the teachers
and other preschool families, and enjoy refreshments.
    Wee Care Christian Preschool, a ministry of the First United Methodist
Church, is located at 133 East Walnut St. The school promotes the Biblical
values of honesty, fairness, courtesy, and respect for God, self, and
   The school accepts children from 3-5 years old. Staff members are
licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and have been
preparing area students for kindergarten for 33 years. For more information,
call (937) 393-2981.

Hillsboro Elementary art show
   The Hillsboro Elementary School Art Show will be held Saturday, April 9
from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Hillsboro Elementary School. More than 1,000 pieces
of art will be on display from pupils in grades K-5.

Marshall School Committee
dinner set for April 16

   The Marshall School Committee will hold a roast pork and chicken dinner
at the Marshall School gymnasium, Saturday, April 16 from 4-8 p.m. A
freewill donation will be accepted. A theme-basket silent auction and 50/50
raffle will be held throughout the evening. All proceeds will be used for
the renovation and upkeep of the gym. For more information, call Kristi
Grover, (937) 466-2882 or Karen Sheeley, (937) 466-2124.

Moore’s Garden Center
9th annual potting party,
open house April 10

Moore’s Garden Center will host its ninth annual potting party on Sunday,
April 10 from noon-5 p.m.
   Moore’s Garden Center is located at 8713 Antioch Road.
   “Bring your own flower pots, or buy new ones there and get an early
start on sprucing up your landscape for the summer, or just stop in and get
a preview of what’s new for spring,” said Teresa Moore.
   Refreshments will be provided.
   A wide variety of annuals are available to chose from.
   “You can leave your planted pots in our greenhouse until warmer weather
comes. We will care for them at no cost,” Moore said.
   Experienced staff will be on hand to help with any of your gardening or
landscaping needs.
   For more information, call Teresa at (937) 987-2170.

Board of Realtors
bowling tournament

   The Highland County Board of Realtors will be hosting a     bowling
tournament on Wednesday, April 27 from noon – 5 p.m. at Alley 21.
   Get a team of four co-workers and friends to compete for some great
prizes. Cash prizes are available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams.
   For more information, contact Jill Yochum at 937-402-7443 or Josh Patton
at 937-205-2348.
   Registration and payment must be received by April 15. You can also send
your registration and payment to P.O. Box 1807, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133.

Revolutionary War
Soldiers of Highland County
program presented

   The Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Highland County will be the
topic presented at the next meeting of the Southern Ohio Genealogical
   Bob and Joyce Patton and Marianna Morgan have done extensive research on
Revolutionary War soldiers who are buried in Highland County. Many of them,
but not all, are listed on the DAR Plaque that is attached to the south side
of the Highland County Court House.
   The program will be held on April 14 at 1487 N. High Street. Everyone is
invited to attend the meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m.

Appalachian Spring Sampler Workshop April 16
   In keeping with their mission of preserving traditional skills, the
Appalachian Artisans Guild is offering several workshops in April to share
their knowledge with the public. Classes will be held at Hillsboro’s
historic First Presbyterian Church, located at 201 East Main Street,
Hillsboro. Visit or call 937-587-2394 for more

Oddfellows' Easter
egg hunt April 23

   The Oddfellows Easter egg hunt and fundraiser will be held 2-4 p.m.
April 23 at 2158 state Route 73 in Belfast, with the egg hunt beginning at 2
p.m. Ten special eggs will have gold dollars inside, and there will be at
least 35 dozen eggs to hunt. There will also be food, games, prizes, and
other activities. Call (937) 764-1347 or 764-1527 if you have questions or
need directions.

Highland County Thunder
benefit auction April 9

   The Blue Steel Band and Highland County Thunder baseball will hold a
benefit auction Saturday, April 9 from 1-7 p.m. at the Highland County
Fairgrounds (Wharton Building).
   Food will be served all day, with bingo and activities for kids from 1-3
p.m.; meet the team, coaches, and Southwest Ohio League from 3-3:30 p.m.; an
auction from 3:30-4:30; and the Blue Steel concert from 5-7 p.m. Come out to
help the 15U HC Thunder baseball team.
   Auction items will include a five-day family log cabin vacation for six
in Hocking Hills; tickets to the Dayton Dragons, including parking passes
and the Liberty Suite with food and drinks; a custom-made bat;
a handmade rocking horse; a beautiful, unique chandelier; a handmade quilt;
Longaberger baskets; a basket of hair products and a free haircut; and many
more items.
   HC Thunder is raising funds for equipment, uniforms, and other expenses.
This auction will provide information on what this league is all about and
the value this level of play brings to young men in this

Church Women United
meeting April 8

   Church Women United will hold a preliminary meeting and a Bible study on
Friday, April 8 at 7 p.m. They will meet at Hillsboro First United Methodist
Church in Riber Hall. For more information, call 393-8070.

30th annual Lenten Concert at Hillsboro First UMC
The choirs of Hillsboro First United Methodist Church will present a concert
for Lent on Sunday, April 10 at 4 p.m. Now in its 30th year, the annual concert
for Lent is a tradition at Hillsboro First UMC. Under the direction of Marilyn Myers,
the Chancel Choir will perform the cantata, “Who Do You Say That I Am? “ by Lloyd Larson.
The cantata invites the choir, narrators, and congregation to experience anew the earthly life of Jesus, seeing His life, ministry, death, and resurrection through the eyes of front-row participants.  
Their varied answers to the title question reveal the Messiah, Emmanuel, gifted Teacher,
the miracle Worker, the King of Glory, and the King above all kings, a Man of Sorrows,
the sacrificial Lamb of God, and the triumphant Lord of Life, the Son of the living God.
Joining the Chancel Choir, the Bell Choir of Hillsboro First will be performing music for Lent.
The Hand Bell Choir was organized in 1980 with Mrs. Cynthia Eigel as director.
The English hand bells bring an additional dimension to sacred music. Bell Ringers at HFUMC now include youth, and a newly formed musical bell choir for primary age children.
At the close of the concert, Hillsboro First Youth will serve a spaghetti dinner in Robison Hall.
The church is located at 133 East Walnut Street, and the community is cordially invited to attend.[[In-content Ad]]

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