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Caregivers to learn about 'JOY-Spirations' April 9

Lead Summary
Authors and inspirational speakers Annetta Dellinger and Karen Boerger will present "The Heart of Caregiving: The Emotional and Spiritual Side" Saturday, April 9 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Hillsboro First United Methodist Church, located at 133 East Walnut Street in Hillsboro.

Authors Dellinger and Boerger will present a program on "JOY-spirations for Caregivers" as they explore the emotional side of caregiving and provide guests with tools, tips and treasures to help you along the way. Caregivers will enjoy a morning of support, encouragement and networking  and leave relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.

To make reservations for the event and make the $10 payment, call Bev at Hillsboro First United Methodist Church at (937) 393-2981 before April 6. The 10-dollar fee helps cover the costs for the lunch, program, and a copy of the "JOY-spirations for Caregivers" book. The program cost is supplemented by local businesses and organizations.

The day's schedule is as follows: 9 a.m., breakfast and introductions; 9:30 a.m., "The Emotional Side;" 10:30 a.m., break; 10:45 a.m. "Tools, Tips & Treasures;" 12:15 p.m., lunch; and 1 p.m., closing.[[In-content Ad]]

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