Highland County Recorder announces Fraud Sleuth program
Highland County Recorder Chad E. McConnaughey would like to announce a new feature that his recording vendor has made available to the public. The new feature is called Fraud Sleuth, and it is designed to notify a Highland County property owner of a new document being recorded involving their name.
“We would like the public to be aware of this new feature,” McConnaughey said. “It does not stop a document from being recorded, but it will alert the citizen immediately after it has been recorded and indexed in the system.
“It is important to note that we do not have the authority to stop a document from being recorded unless it does not meet a few minor State of Ohio and County standards for documents.”
There are a few small steps to complete for the user to get this feature set up and running. You must have a valid email address to be used with this service. This is a “free” service but must be set up by the user.
Please contact the Recorder’s Office at recorder@co.highland.oh.us for detailed instructions.
Highland County Recorder announces Fraud Sleuth program
The good - Fraud Sleuth. The bad - after a recorded document is proven fraudulent, it takes a court order to remove it from your records. The ugly - may require an attorney.