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  • All hat, no cattle, 1964

    These days, I dream a lot, and people from various times in my life show up in my dreams. Once in a while, SHE does, but now I have the nerve to wave at her across the room – and she smiles and waves back.
  • Chapter 1964, Fourth Quarter: Oolitic, Indiana
    Thanksgiving weekend 1964 revolves around a hamburger, served to me about 7 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 28, in a small diner in Oolitic, Ind. I drank a glass of milk with it.
  • Exploring other spaces and ideas
    The means are easier and more economical to implement than ever before. The question is this: Do we have the will to explore other spaces, other ideas? I hope I do, and I hope you do. We are richer for the experience when we do.
  • Tribalism and personal perspective
    The movie “My Cousin Vinny” is a great study in this sort of tribalism. New Yorkers thrust into southern Alabama. Both sides view the other with suspicion and doubt. Makes for a hilarious movie, but one that rings way too true. So, when you hear people talk about “tribalism” today, think about where you are and what your experiences have been.
  • What’s next, America?
    Since 2016, especially since November of 2016, those of both parties, particularly the Democrat party members, who don’t like President Donald Trump, have thrown up one roadblock after another, attempting to destroy his presidency. Nothing has stuck to him. In fact, in all cases, the accusers have ended up looking petty, childish and in some cases, treasonous. Undeterred, they continue to attempt to derail him and his administration.
  • Time to update the anti-trust laws, Part 2
    The operative word in anti-trust discussions is “collusion.” It is not only money, which is how the current laws are focused. Anti-trust language needs to be rewritten and codified as collusion centric, not money centric before our rights are completely abrogated by large private enterprises.
  • Time to update the anti-trust laws, Part 1
    Large corporations are saying, “We value our time, we don’t value yours.” It is a tremendous insult and a tremendous cost to the consumer.
  • An opportunity not seen since the Garden of Eden
    Never, ever, in the entire recorded or pre-recorded history, has nearly the whole planet been economically brought to a standstill. For all intents and purposes, the world has stopped. This has never happened before.
  • What I think I know, and what I don’t
    Has the government assumed payment of all costs for anyone who gets sick, thereby absolving us from applying any insurance we may have to our personal treatment and cure? If that is not what they are doing, what is their purpose? Beyond the emotional toll, all human life has a real dollars-and-cents value. If you don’t believe this, get yourself on a wrongful-death civil suit jury. A 25-year-old with a lifetime of earning potential has a much higher financial value than a 70-year-old like me.
  • The curious case of COVID-19
    I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don’t think we have any realistic idea how this is going to play out. The general population has clearly demonstrated they will go along with anything those they perceive to be in authority tell them to do regardless of the personal injury it causes. Further, the whole scenario has been nonsensical so far; hence, the next phase is not predictable.

  • So, what is it?
    If you have ever thought about biological warfare, you probably have an idea in your mind of what that would look like. If you can’t differentiate between that mental image and what we are experiencing right now, you should probably assume we are caught up in biological warfare. Think for a minute. Do you think those perpetrating biological warfare would announce it? It makes no sense for them to do so.
  • Fixing our Achilles heel(s)
    All the big airplane manufacturers plus companies like Honda and others have been diligently working on small air taxis that can fly point to point with little or no runways. Pilotless and electric, these planes will reduce the cost to the point that for many domestic trips, it will no longer be necessary to take a road trip to get to a large airport, for these new air taxis can land anywhere, carrying just a few passengers. Such airplanes will make Hillsboro as accessible as Chicago.
  • New technology brings new problems
    There have been two catastrophic events caused by airplanes in this century. The first is 9/11 when some individuals bent on destruction, even at the cost of their own lives, attacked the United States with airplanes. The second is this winter when airplanes were inadvertently used to spread a hither before unknown virus all over the world. On a macro scale, these airplanes did a better job of spreading this virus than a hot-air hand dryer does in a public restroom (and that's saying something!).
  • A time of abject sorrow
    We’ve been harmed, and the harming is not over. No one can tell us when the damage will end, for like the virus, the panic has taken on a life of its own.
  • All we have to fear is fear itself
    What is striking to me is how upset people can become because of a little change in their routine. There is little to be concerned about here, in my opinion. To quote another president, FDR, “all we have to fear is fear itself.”
  • All we have to fear is fear itself
    What is striking to me is how upset people can become because of a little change in their routine. There is little to be concerned about here, in my opinion. To quote another president, FDR, “all we have to fear is fear itself.”
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