Highland County Firefighters Association hosting annual hanging basket sale
The Highland County Firefighters Association will hold their annual Mother’s Day hanging flower basket sale Friday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, May 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This year’s sale will be held at Paint Creek Joint EMS and Fire District, 204 North East St. in Hillsboro. The sale will be held in the apparatus bay area. We do ask that no one park in that area so apparatus does not get blocked.
This year, all hanging baskets will be assorted flowers and will cost $20. We will also have a limited number of ferns. Ferns will also cost $20
Other events the HCFFA is working on this year include the Festival of the Bells Parade, Thursday July 6, and Festival of the Bells Cornhole Tournament, Saturday, July 8. Our annual car show, Joey’s Classic Car Show, sponsored by Joey’s Pizza will be held Sunday, July 30 at the East End Overlook at Rocky Fork Lake. We will also be having our inaugural Jeep Cruise-in – Joey’s Jeep Extravaganza on Saturday, July 29. Each day we will have vendors and a kids activity area. These are held in conjunction with Rumble in the Hills Boat Races and The Sassafras Music Festival. More activities are still in the works for this weekend.
We will be looking for sponsors for trophies for both shows and are asking for a $50 donation for trophies and $100 for best of show winners cups. Also, we will be posting an application for vendors soon on our webpage.
For more information, go to www.hcffa.cc or like us on Facebook at Highland County Ohio Firefighters Association.
We had a typo on the website. Correction is www.hcffa.co Thanks