Victims of attorney theft awarded more than $266K
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently reimbursed $266,758.17 to 17 victims of attorney theft.
Five former or suspended Ohio attorneys were determined to have engaged in dishonest conduct resulting in financial losses to their clients. Four deceased attorneys were also involved in claims presented to the Board of Commissioners.
Allen County
A former client of deceased attorney Athena Joan Nyers was determined to be eligible for reimbursement in the amount of $396.42 as a result of Ms. Nyers’ failure to provide the services requested. Ms. Nyers passed away on Feb. 14, 2022.
Crawford County
Former clients of former attorney Adam Charles Stone were reimbursed a total of $54,337.25 as a result of Mr. Stone’s failure to provide the services requested. Mr. Stone resigned with discipline pending on Jan. 18, 2023.
Erie County
A former client of deceased attorney Henry William Kishman was reimbursed $4,886.91 as a result of Mr. Kishman's failure to account for funds he agreed to invest for his client. Mr. Kishman passed away on Sept. 30, 2021.
Mahoning County
The Board determined that former clients of two Mahoning County attorneys were eligible for reimbursement.
Four former clients of deceased attorney William Joseph Kissinger were reimbursed a total of $77,704.59 as a result of Mr. Kissinger’s failure to complete the services requested prior to his death on March 14, 2023.
Five former clients of suspended attorney Robert James Rohrbaugh II were reimbursed a total of $9,750 as a result of Mr. Rohrbaugh’s failure to provide or complete the services requested.
Mr. Rohrbaugh was suspended from the practice of law in Ohio on Feb. 15, 2023, following his felony conviction.
Montgomery County
A former client of deceased attorney Charles Anthony McKinney was reimbursed $1,750 as a result of Mr. McKinney’s failure to provide the services requested. Mr. McKinney passed away on Dec. 14, 2022.
Ross County
Two former clients of former attorney Michael Jerome Feltis were reimbursed a total of $16,800 as a result of Mr. Feltis’s failure to provide the services requested. Mr. Feltis resigned from the practice of law in Ohio, with discipline pending, on Sept. 2, 2022.
Scioto County
A former client of deceased attorney Michael Hugh Mearan was reimbursed $100,000 as a result of Mr. Mearan’s failure to turn over funds belonging to his client. Mr. Mearan passed away on Nov. 26, 2021. Prior to his death, Mr. Mearan was suspended from the practice of law in Ohio, on an interim basis, on Feb. 5, 2021.
Summit County
A former client of suspended attorney Steven Scott Fannin was reimbursed $1,133 as a result of Mr. Fannin’s failure to provide the services requested. Mr. Fannin was suspended from the practice of law in Ohio, on an interim basis, on Dec. 4, 2023.
The Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection, formerly known as the Clients’ Security Fund, was created in 1985 by the Supreme Court of Ohio to reimburse victims of attorney theft, embezzlement, or misappropriation.
Ohio has more than 45,000 attorneys engaged in the active practice of law. Less than one percent (1%) of those attorneys is involved in claims reimbursed by the fund.
Law clients who believe they have sustained financial losses resulting from attorney theft, embezzlement, or misappropriation should contact the fund by calling (614) 387-9390 or 1-800-231-1680 toll free in Ohio.
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