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Ohio Senate passes Johnson bill to raise awareness of deadly disease

COLUMBUS – The Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 27 sponsored by sponsored by Senator Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) today, designating March 20 as “Ameloblastoma Awareness Day.”
“Ameloblastoma is a rare condition where cancerous tumors develop in the jaw,” explained Johnson. “Fortunately, Ameloblastoma tumors are usually benign, however spreading awareness for this rare disease is necessary and can remove stigma sometimes felt by those diagnosed.”
Around twelve Ohioans are diagnosed with Ameloblastoma each year out of approximately 300 annual cases in the United States. Ameloblastoma tumors can cause significant discomfort and often require surgical removal and subsequent skin and bone grafts.
Senator Johnson introduced this legislation after meeting Emily Hosler, a constituent who had been recovering from Ameloblastoma. Senator Johnson looks forward to achieving Emily’s goal of designating a day to raise awareness of this condition and the challenges it poses to survivors. 
Senator Johnson is a retired physician who served as the State Surgeon for the Ohio Army National Guard, had a family practice in southern Ohio for three decades, and was the Scioto County Coroner from 2002-2010.

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