Latest Combined Ohio EPA and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Water Projects Funded
Hillsboro received a $5 million ARRA subsidy to combine with a $10.2 million low-interest loan totaling $15.2 million to increase the capacity at the wastewater treatment plant and add wastewater flow equalization to eliminate wet weather by-passes to Clear Creek.
An additional $78.7 million has been obligated to fund 47 water quality improvement projects using U.S. EPA stimulus funding from the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) along with loans from Ohio EPA.
"Citizens all across Ohio will receive countless environmental and public health benefits from these projects," said Ohio EPA Director Chris Korleski. "Improving drinking water and water pollution control infrastructure while putting Ohioans back to work is a double win for the environment and the economy."
Projects receiving ARRA subsidies are combined with low-interest loans in most cases. They are funded through existing funding structures including the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) for water pollution control projects and the Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) for drinking water projects. Listed below are 45 projects receiving funding through WPCLF:
• Hillsboro (Highland County) received a $5 million ARRA subsidy to combine with a $10.2 million low-interest loan totaling $15.2 million to increase the capacity at the wastewater treatment plant and add wastewater flow equalization to eliminate wet weather by-passes to Clear Creek;
• Barberton (Summit County) received a $2 million ARRA subsidy and a $3.1 million low-interest loan totaling $5.1 million to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant to meet future discharge requirements;
• Clark County received a $94,325 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $91,378 low-interest loan totaling $185,703 to line sewers and rehabilitate manholes to stop excess water infiltrating the Northridge area collection system, limiting combined sewer overflows into the Mad River;
• Clark County received a $68,409 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal low-interest loan totaling $136,818 to line sewers in the Park Layne area, reducing clean water that infiltrates these sewers, which are tributary to the Southwest Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant and discharge into the Mad River;
• Creston (Wayne County) received a $101,803 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal interest-free loan totaling $203,606 to replace culverts in the Burbank Street area, which will eliminate storm water from entering the sanitary sewers and causing sewage back-ups during wet weather;
• Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks received a $141,600 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment from the ARRA green projects reserve to restore the natural riparian floodplain of 100 acres of old farm field owned by Metroparks adjacent to Blacklick Creek;
• Franklin County received a $70,000 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to construct the Agler Road/Fern Street sewer improvement project, replacing failing on-lot septic systems and connecting homes to the Columbus wastewater treatment system;
• Franklin County received a $199,030 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to construct sanitary sewer improvements in the Cleveland Heights area in northeast Franklin County to replace failing on-lot septic systems with sanitary sewer lines connecting them to the Columbus wastewater treatment system;
• Franklin County received a $400,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $1.65 million low-interest loan totaling $2.1 million to construct a new pump station on Lambert Road to convey sanitary waste to the Franklin County Darbydale Wastewater Treatment Plant and construct an equalization basin at Darbydale;
• Lancaster (Fairfield County) received a $325,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $520,397 low-interest loan totaling $845,397 to build a new salt storage barn and storm water pond, relocate three chemical storage tanks, construct a vehicle wash-out facility and connect them to the city sanitary sewer system;
• Lima (Allen County) received a $283,815 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal interest-free loan totaling $567,629 to line and repair deteriorating sanitary sewers in West Lima reducing residential basement flooding and sanitary sewer overflows;
• Lima (Allen County) received a $308,818 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to install storm sewers on Black Drive, Latham Avenue and connecting streets in West Lima;
• Lowellville (Mahoning County) received a $134,606 ARRA subsidy to combine with an interest-free loan of $44,869 totaling $179,475 to construct storm sewers and one catch basin to prevent flooding of its wastewater treatment plant during storm events;
• Lucas County received a $1 million ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to install tank covers at the Maumee River Watershed Treatment Plant to control odors and pipe vapors to chemical scrubber units to remove hydrogen sulfide and ammonia;
• Miami County received a $1.5 million ARRA subsidy and a $3.1 million interest-free loan totaling $4.6 million to install gravity sewers, a pump station and a force main to collect Fletcher Village's wastewater and send it to the City of Piqua's sanitary sewer system, replacing failing home septic systems in Fletcher and eliminating a package wastewater treatment plant at Washington Elementary School;
• Miami County received a $250,000 ARRA subsidy and a $300,173 interest-free loan totaling $550,173 to install gravity sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the Hilltop Subdivision in Monroe Township, to replace failing home septic systems and a section of combined sanitary and storm sewer line;
• Miami County received a $274,250 ARRA subsidy and a $723,129 interest-free loan totaling $997,379 to construct sanitary sewers in Concord Township, connect the area to previously installed sewers along County Road 25A and convey sewage to the Troy Wastewater Treatment Plant, replacing aging or outdated home septic and commercial treatment systems;
• Mount Gilead (Morrow County) received a $100,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $121,790 low-interest loan totaling $221,790 to reline several sections of sanitary sewer at Lincoln, High and Marion Streets and replace leaking manholes that have caused wet weather overflows;
• Mount Vernon (Knox County) received a $100,000 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment using ARRA green project reserve funding to replace a failed wastewater treatment plant methane boiler with a new, energy-efficient model;
• Muskingum County received a $464,850 ARRA subsidy and a $162,520 interest-free loan for a total of $627,370 to construct gravity sewers, a
force main and pump station in the unincorporated area of Sonora to eliminate 62 failing home septic systems, with wastewater conveyed to the city of Zanesville;
• New Richmond (Clermont County) received a $17,729 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to line sanitary sewers;
• Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (Cuyahoga County) received a $4 million ARRA subsidy to combine with a $4.9 million low-interest loan
totaling nearly $8.9 million to redirect sewer lines and change wastewater flow from the Main Branch of Mill Creek to the Mill Creek tunnel and rehabilitate 2,000 feet of sewer line upstream from the new connection structure;
• North Star (Darke County) received a $490,000 ARRA subsidy and a $831,470 interest-free loan totaling more than $1.3 million to build a sanitary sewer collection and wastewater treatment system to alleviate failing on-lot septic systems, collaborating with the villages of Osgood and Yorkshire to develop a regional treatment facility for all three villages;
• Osgood (Darke County) received a $1.5 million ARRA subsidy to combine with a $1.24 million interest-free loan totaling more than $2.7 million to construct a wastewater treatment lagoon and sanitary sewer system to address failing on-lot septic systems collaboratively with the villages of North Star and Yorkshire;
• Parma (Cuyahoga County) received a $715,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $1.6 million low-interest loan totaling $2.3 million to construct sanitary sewers for 168 unsewered residences on Bradenton and Bonny Boulevards, Sunhaven and Sunrise Ovals, Knowles and Pleasantview Drives, Melody Lane and Hoertz Road, to alleviate bacterial contamination in West Creek from failing on-lot septic systems;
• Parma (Cuyahoga County) received a $302,500 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $688,077 low interest loan totaling $990,577 to provide sanitary sewer service to 36 unsewered residences on Grantwood and West Ridgewood Drives, South Park Boulevard and Broadway Road due to failing on-lot septic systems;
• Parma (Cuyahoga County) received a $342,603 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $769,221 low-interest loan totaling more than $1.1 million to construct a gravity sewer, pump station and force main to provide service to an area with 31 unsewered properties on Manhattan Avenue to eliminate failing home septic systems and protect the Big Creek watershed;
• Port Clinton (Ottawa County) received a nearly $1.6 million ARRA subsidy and a $2.5 million low-interest loan totaling $4.1 million to separate combined sewers, construct new storm sewers, eliminate storm water connections and leave existing sewer lines for sanitary sewer use;
• Portage County received a $288,000 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to build a new garage and Operation and Maintenance building for at the Water Resources Building on Infirmary Road, to extend the useful life of county-wide sewer operation equipment;
• Portage County received a $120,000 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to upgrade and replace equipment at the West Branch Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Plant to prevent partially treated discharges from entering Hinckley Creek;
• Put-in-Bay (Ottawa County) received a $1.3 million ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to construct a wastewater treatment plant expansion to accommodate the needs of thousands of summer season tourists, allowing the village to consistently meet permitted discharge limits and accept additional flow from unsewered areas with failing home septic systems;
• Richland County received a $356,671 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to replace deteriorating sanitary sewer lines by constructing new sanitary sewer lines and laterals and lining existing sewers in the Harpcrest Heights area to reduce basement flooding with raw sewage during wet weather and improve operation at the Mansfield Wastewater Treatment Plant;
• Sandusky Township (Sandusky County) received a $309,060 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal interest-free loan totaling $618,120 to install a low pressure force main and grinder pumps to connect residences with failing home septic systems in the Fangboner Road/ Township Road 73 service area to a county wastewater treatment plant;
• Sherwood (Defiance County) received a $251,391 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment under the ARRA green project reserve to install five solar-powered circulation machines for five treatment lagoons at the wastewater treatment plant to improve treatment and prevent equipment short-circuiting at the plant;
• Struthers (Mahoning County) received a $4 million ARRA subsidy and a $1.4 million low-interest loan totaling $5.4 million to install two standby power generators and a methane gas converter to greatly reduce energy costs at the wastewater treatment plant;
• Tri-Cities (Montgomery County) received a $1.9 million ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to replace wastewater pumps at the North Regional
Wastewater Treatment Plant with high-efficiency electric pumps and a new biodiesel-fueled generator and a bio-gas generator to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce cost of operation;
• Twinsburg (Summit County) received an $850,000 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment under the ARRA green project reserve to construct a micro-turbine to be used with an existing anaerobic sludge digester to convert excess methane gas into electricity for the wastewater treatment plant rather than burn it off into the air with flares;
• Twinsburg (Summit County) received a $122,500 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment to install over 2,000 feet of new sanitary sewer line along Post Road to tie in homes with failing home septic systems to the Twinsburg Wastewater Treatment System;
• Warren (Trumbull County) received a $500,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $925,844 low-interest loan totaling $1.4 million to replace and repair deteriorating manholes and seal leaking pipe joints which allow storm water to enter the Mahoning Sewer Interceptor during wet weather events, causing basement flooding with raw sewage;
• Waterville (Lucas County) received a $112,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $79,265 low interest loan for a total of $191,265 to reline sanitary sewers and rehabilitate 10 manholes to reduce wet weather overflows;
• Wayne County received a $365,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $1.5 million interest-free loan totaling $1.8 million to replace three wastewater treatment plants and extend sanitary sewer service in East Union Township to eliminate failing home septic systems;
• Williams County received a $900,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $743,704 interest-free loan totaling $1.6 million to construct gravity
sewers, a pump station and force main for unincorporated areas of Williams Center, and a pump station at the County's South Central Wastewater
Treatment Plant;
• Xenia (Greene County) received a $539,972 ARRA subsidy with no loan repayment under the ARRA green project reserve to restore and stabilize
about 1,000 feet of the Little Miami River to reduce major impairment, while preserving the Little Miami's designation as a State and National Scenic River;
• Youngstown (Mahoning County) received a $775,158 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal low-interest loan totaling $1.5 million to replace portions of combined sewers in the Woodland Avenue area, develop dedicated storm sewers so existing sewer lines can convey wastewater to Youngstown's treatment plant, eliminating overflows into Crab Creek and the Mahoning River; and
• Zanesville (Muskingum County) received a $188,142 ARRA subsidy to combine with an equal interest-free loan totaling $376,284 to construct sanitary sewers on Roosevelt Avenue, Mount Auburn Street and Peter's Alley which will eliminate combined storm and sanitary sewer lines, reducing overflows into the Muskingum and Licking Rivers.
Listed below are two projects receiving funding through WSRLA:
• Deshler (Henry County) received a $940,950 ARRA subsidy and a $1.75 interest-free loan totaling almost $2.7 million to construct a new water
treatment plant including a building, aeration and iron filtration systems and a finished water holding basin, as well as water mains that will convey treated water to the distribution system;
• Franklin County received a $450,000 ARRA subsidy to combine with a $2.15 million interest-free loan totaling $2.6 million to construct a new water treatment plant and drinking water wells on Lambert Road to serve the Timberlake subdivision and Village of Harrisburg;
ARRA funding will support 267 water pollution control projects in 160 communities and 65 drinking water projects in 52 communities in Ohio. For more information on the federal program, visit, or see the Web sites below for Ohio specific details.
The Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) is to receive $220.6 million in Recovery Act funding to combine with $730 million in non-ARRA funding. This will provide more than $950 million for water quality improvement projects to stimulate Ohio's economy. When compared to market loan rates, the combination of stimulus grants and low-interest WPCLF loans would save Ohio communities $569 million in financing costs over 20 years.
The Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) is slated to receive $58.46 million in an ARRA capitalization grant to combine with $81 million non-ARRA capitalization grants, bonds and repayments. Ohio plans to offer a total of about $140 million. When compared to market loan rates, the combination of stimulus grants and low-interest WSRLA loans would save Ohio communities $154 million in financing costs over 20 years.
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