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  • A sermon on Matthew 11:25-30

    Jesus came to earth to show us what God wants. God wants you to be happy. Jesus tells you where to find real happiness – and it won't be found in a beer bottle. 
  • A sermon on Matthew 10:37-42
    One day, a little 6-year-old boy held a dollar bill in his hand. He went to the shop owners along the street asking, "Excuse me, do you sell God?"
  • A sermon on Matthew 10:26-33
    Have you ever wondered how God handles all the prayers He receives? With billions of people praying to God, does He hear mine? According to Jesus, the Father hears them all.  
  • A sermon on John 6:51-58
    Holy Communion matters because when you receive Him, Jesus enkindles the fire of His love within you. Jesus has chosen the common food of bread and wine to place His very self within you. Earthly food keeps you alive. Heavenly food gives you life.
  • A sermon on John 3:16-18
    Once you accept and believe in Jesus, then you must act like Him. I can make my altar call and get dunked in a river. I can receive Holy Communion at Mass. But if I don't have a personal relationship with Jesus that changes my life to follow God's will instead of my own evil desires, then I will perish.
  • Father Mike Paraniuk earns Sam Levine Memorial Award
    Father Mike Paraniuk of St. Mary Catholic Church in Hillsboro, St. Benignus Catholic Church in Greenfield, Saint Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church in Peebles and Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Union is the 2023 recipient of the Sam Levine Memorial Award for excellence in broadcasting.
  • A sermon on John 20:19-23
    Jesus shows us that there is a direct connection between giving the Holy Spirit and giving forgiveness. What's the connection? Every time you forgive, God re-creates you in His image. You become more like God every time you forgive. 
  • A sermon on the Ascension of the Lord
    The great scientist Albert Einstein said this is the most important question we should ask about our existence. "Is the universe friendly?" The Ascension of Jesus is the answer. Yes, it is. 
  • A sermon on John 14:15-21
    When you love someone, you do what pleases them. The five most important words in a successful marriage is "I will do the dishes." 
  • A sermon on John 14:1-12
    Until Jesus returns, He assures them the works of God will continue. "The Father who dwells in me is doing his works." (John 14:10.) What is the work of our Father? It is this. The Father sent Jesus to reveal who God really is. God is love who restores, heals and saves humans. Jesus used miracles to prove this.
  • A sermon on the road to Emmaus
    It is foolish to think I am in charge of me own life. I make God laugh every time I tell him my plans. 
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