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  • A sermon on Matthew 16:21-27

    Something happened to me last week that I never experienced before. I couldn't even find the words to describe the experience until I accidentally found an article on the internet that explained what happened to me. 
  • A sermon on Matthew 16:13-20
    How will Jesus remember you in your judgment? Have you lived your life in a way that Jesus will remember you as faithful to Him? Will He remember you as living Micah 6:8, "This is what the Lord requires of you. Be fair to other people. Love kindness and loyalty, and humbly obey your God." 
  • Fitch Ratings’ downgrade: We cannot wait around for an economic earthquake
    We need dedication at all levels of the federal government to truly buckle down and get our fiscal house in order. Let’s not wait around for another economic tremor. Let’s take these actions now and prevent an economic earthquake.
  • A sermon on Matthew 14:22-33
    Jesus not only walked on the water to save his disciples, but he walked on the dirty road to Golgotha to save us all. I believe Jesus fell three times because He was running to Golgotha to accomplish His Father's will and bring us home. 
  • A sermon on the Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration was the greatest of all spiritual experiences. A spiritual experience is a powerful awareness of God's presence. It's like feeling His love enfolding you in a warm blanket right out of the dryer on a cold day. It feels so good. 
  • A sermon on Matthew 13:44-46
    You must answer this question when you accept Jesus into your life: "What am I willing to do to enter Heaven?" Heaven is the pearl of great price. It is the hidden treasure in the field. How far will you go to possess it? 
  • Tackling tax complexity for small businesses
    According to the latest National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) annual tax survey, nearly two-thirds of small business owners reported that the administrative burden of the federal tax code is significant.
  • A sermon on Matthew 13:1-23
    Jesus uses the simple story of a sower to teach us about our behavior. Behavior is how we act toward others. How we behave is based on two things: thoughts and feelings. How you think influences how you feel which determines how you act. 
  • A sermon on Matthew 11:25-30
    Jesus came to earth to show us what God wants. God wants you to be happy. Jesus tells you where to find real happiness – and it won't be found in a beer bottle. 
  • DeWine signs FY 2024-25 budget
    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has signed Ohio's Fiscal Year 2024-2025 operating budget bill into law. 
  • Independence Day
    The Fourth of July is the fundamental American holiday. It gives us an opportunity to spend time with loved ones in beautiful places across our great nation and celebrate the honor it is to be an American with shared unalienable rights.
  • A sermon on Matthew 10:37-42
    One day, a little 6-year-old boy held a dollar bill in his hand. He went to the shop owners along the street asking, "Excuse me, do you sell God?"
  • A sermon on Matthew 10:26-33
    Have you ever wondered how God handles all the prayers He receives? With billions of people praying to God, does He hear mine? According to Jesus, the Father hears them all.  
  • IRA green energy tax provisions hurt America and help China
    Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have long recognized the need to reform our energy tax laws. But rather than work on stakeholder-informed, bipartisan energy tax policies that would support a technology-neutral approach, Democrats pursued a partisan path through their misnamed Inflation Reduction Act.
  • The IRS needs more carrots than sticks
    The IRS has many deeply concerning issues to fix: abysmal customer service; leaks of taxpayer data; allegations of unjust targeting and preferential treatment in high-profile cases; destruction of taxpayer-filed documents; and more. The IRS should be focused on fixing all of those problems to make the agency function better for taxpayers.  
  • A sermon on John 6:51-58
    Holy Communion matters because when you receive Him, Jesus enkindles the fire of His love within you. Jesus has chosen the common food of bread and wine to place His very self within you. Earthly food keeps you alive. Heavenly food gives you life.
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