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  • I heard I was in town – and retired

    This week, I was congratulated on my "recent retirement." Only one problem: I have not retired and have no plans to do so. But after 45 consecutive years in the print industry – and in damned near every capacity at one time or another – the thought has crossed my mind, as former West Union newspaperman Herb Lax used to say.
  • Good riddance to the Joe and Kamala Show
    Barack Obama famously said, "Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to screw things up." Truer words were never spoken. Good riddance to four years of incompetence.
  • No laughing matter
    The task ahead is Herculean. We have allies at war and allies facing potential war. We have a national debt of $36 trillion. We have runaway government spending. We have a wide-open border. It's time to end the bickering and do the work you are elected – and paid handsomely – to do. Fix it.
  • Two Fridays, two funerals, and two great ladies
    Rita was the perfect match for Ernie, just as Judy was the perfect match for Jim. They were both spiritual and religious ladies, who lived for faith and family. Their families are all the better because of them.
  • A sad day for America 
    All of the vicious and violent anti-Donald Trump rhetoric must end. Now. It should never have gotten to this point. The media are complicit. So is Hollywood. So are many far-left Democrats. 
  • Who is running the United States?
    Watching the train wreck, er, debate, I couldn't help but at some point hope one of the debate moderators would borrow a line from "Billy Madison:" Mr. Biden, At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. 
  • Odds and ends, and a thank-you note
    Today's Word of the Day is allyship. A word I was happily ignorant of until a recent county commissioners' meeting. Whoever came up with "allyship" must be totally ignorant of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” (Matthew 7:12). Enough said.
  • UPDATED IV: Someone is lying – or dazed and confused – about the race for county sheriff
    There are some people in this world who are born to be useful idiots. Lord knows, today I feel like one of them. While I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, most days I am not without some measure of intelligence and influence.
  • Eventually, everyone wakes up to reality
    It is encouraging to see Democrat mayors and their erstwhile supporters beginning to wake up. Sanctuary cities were never the friend of the legitimate U.S. residents living there. They are nothing more than feigned wokeness to play to a political base.
  • Congress losing several honorable lawmakers (reasons vary)
    As of last week, a total of 50 members of Congress, including seven members of the U.S. Senate and 43 members of the U.S. House, have announced they would not seek re-election this year.
  • Clermont County likely to determine Wenstrup's successor
    The 2024 primary may very well resemble a 1993 congressional race between former Republican congressmen Bob McEwen and Rob Portman. McEwen won four of the five counties in the district – Adams, Brown, Clermont and Warren. In Adams, once part of his district, he received 77 percent of the vote, 67 points ahead of Portman. Portman won only Hamilton County, but by a large enough margin to win the primary with 17,531 votes.
  • All about Lynchburg: Seeing a local legend and discussing an older one
    Now here at The Rock, there are two rules and only two rules. Rule No. 1: Obey all rules. Rule No. 2: There will be no writing on the walls. OK. This is not the Mayberry Jail. But here at The HCP, there is one rule: HCP Karma never fails.
  • In defense of the ancient plumb bob; Second District primary taking shape
    Today's Word of the Day is groma. I was happily ignorant of the word until my son – who is a schoolteacher – said to me (paraphrasing): "You used to be a surveyor, do you know what this is?" Colin had drawn a rudimentary picture of a groma.
  • The Shell Answer Man revisited
    The day before Halloween 2023 was a Monday. It was a real Monday all the way around.
  • Deadline Oct. 6 to opt out of electricity aggregation program
    I have had AEP service for more than four decades at my home and business. I am not upset with my AEP billing or service. Had I discarded what at first glance I thought was junk mail, I would have unwittingly changed billing services. No thanks. I'll keep my billing – and more importantly my customer service – with AEP Ohio.
  • 'Best countries' report ignores reality
    There's a right way and a wrong way to enter foreign countries. Some are more tolerant than others. I suspect if U.S. News and World surveyed the estimated 10 to 20 million illegals in the U.S., they would agree, this is the greatest nation on earth. Let's act like it – and let's be grateful that it is. If we can keep it.
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