Mustangs soccer team celebrated by Lynchburg-Clay Board of Education

Members of the Lynchburg-Clay boys soccer team are pictured with Board of Education members (l-r) Richard Warner, Stacie Rhonemus, Cathy Griffith, Rebecca Sanderson and Susan Blankenship. (Photo courtesy of Dorothy Burge)
The Lynchburg-Clay Mustangs were recognized at the December board meeting for their boys soccer accomplishments during the season.
Their achievements include:
• Team — SHAC champions.
• All-SHAC — Noah Bitzer, Jay Cordrey, Isaac Eyre, Braedon West.
• SHAC Player of the Year — West.
• All-District — Cordrey (first team), Eyre (first team), West (second team), Cody Bell (second team), Bitzer (second team), Elam Faust (Honorable Mention), Aric Slack (Honorable Mention).
• All-Ohio — Isaac Eyre, Braedon West.
• SHAC Coach of the Year — Jason West.
• SE District Coach of the Year — Jason West.
• SE District Assistant Coach of the Year — Landon West.
• Ohio Division IV Assistant Coach of the Year — Landon West.
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