Lady Mambas finish 2nd at Beavercreek tourney

Pictured (l-r) are Jayla Haithcock, Karis Hudson, Jayden Hatfield, Libby Webster, Lyrric Hanson, Jayona Kibler, La'Niah Smith, Hayden Rideout, Maddie Easter, Mckenize West, Aurora Stringfield and Head Coach Derrik Haithcock Sr. (Submitted photo)
The local Lady Mambas seventh grade 13U AAU select basketball team battled in the 2024 Beavercreek Tournament but fell in the finals to Kentucky Storm Elite, 46-38.
The Lady Mambas took second place overall out of eight teams in the tournament held at Bales Arena in Beavercreek. The Lady Mambas battled hard in their first tournament of the season, finishing 3-1 on the weekend. Their wins were over the Ohio Stars (40-15), Ohio Premier 2029 (46-14) and Drew Mitchell Elite 2029 (35-23)
The team includes Maddie Easter, Jayla Haithcock, Lyrric Hanson, Jayden Hatfield, Karis Hudson, Jayona Kibler, Hayden Rideout, La'Niah Smith, Aurora Stringfield, Libby Webster and Mckenize West. They are coached by Derrik Haithcock Sr. Players are from Hillsboro, Dayton, Washington Court House, Whiteoak, Greenfield, Manchester and Paint Valley.
The coaches and players want to give a big thank-you to everyone locally for the support.
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