Southern Ohio Genealogical Society to participate in Civil War Living History event, Highland County History Day program

A Civil War Living History event will be held May 13-14 at 12265 Antioch Road. (Submitted photo)
The Southern Ohio Genealogical Society is participating in two special events in May.
The weekend of May 13-14, we will be at the Civil War Living History event just outside Highland at 12265 Antioch Road. There will be blue/gray militias in mock battle; infantry/artillery demonstrations; blacksmith demonstrations; a tea party at 12:30 p.m. in saloon; a western costume contest Saturday at 3 p.m., sutlers and craft booths; and a church service Sunday at 10 a.m. Hours are 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday, May 20 we will be at the Hillsboro Library for Highland County History Day. The event will begin at 10 a.m., when the library opens, and conclude at 3 p.m., when the library closes.
We are again co-sponsoring the special speaker, John Cooper, as Abraham Lincoln. The schedule is as follows: 10 a.m. – local trivia; 11 a.m. – Women of Highland County; noon – Civil War reenactors; 1 p.m. – Abe Lincoln; and 2 p.m. – announcement of prizes.

SOGS will be available at each event to answer questions you may have about finding YOUR Civil War veteran ancestor.
The battles of our Civil War — Bull Run, Shiloh, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor, The Wilderness, Antietam, Chickamauga, Atlanta and Gettysburg, to name just a few — were horrific. Almost everyone has Civil War veterans in their lineage. We owe these veterans immense gratitude. Our Civil War Families of Highland County Society honors them, if only in a small way.
And, of course, the SOGS monthly informational meeting will be held Thursday, May 11 at 6 p.m. Dana Palmer will be here presenting “Connect Your Family: Useful Research Strategies.” The meeting is held in the conference room at North High Business Center, 1487 N. High Street, Hillsboro. The public is invited.