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Greenfield Historical Society announces upcoming Sunday dinners

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
This photo and the one at the end of this article are just two of over 1,000 photographs preserved in the Greenfield Historical Society's photo collection. These, along with others, are in the New Year's Baby display at the Greenfield branch of the Highland County District Library. (Submitted photos)
Harold Schmidt, Greenfield Lions Club

Have the holidays gotten you down with cooking for your family and friends? Or have you enjoyed the fun of visiting with family and friends over a good meal and want to continue? Either way, the Greenfield Historical Society has the place for you to go on Sunday, Jan. 12. That’s the day of our first Sunday dinner of 2025.
Come on down to the Grain & Hay building at the corner of Jefferson and McArthur Way between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. for a wonderful meal prepared by the amazing cooks of the society. This month’s meal will consist of the society’s tasty ham loaf, which has been a favorite over the years. The meal will include green beans, cheesy potatoes, coleslaw, rolls and drinks. Rounding out the menu will be pineapple upside down cake.
Waiters and waitresses will be serving. All this will be available for just $12. No tipping is necessary, but any donations to the society will be greatly appreciated. Carryout will be available.
The Greenfield Historical Society will also hold dinners on Feb. 2 and March 2. The February meal will be Italian pork loin, and the March dinner will feature baked chicken.
Proceeds from the Sunday dinners go toward utility bills and maintenance of the various buildings of the society. Again, the big project of the society this year is the Shiloh Baptist Church restoration. Work on the building began in 2022 and is ongoing with some grant funding being finalized to help finish the project.

The society’s board has set April 6 for a fundraising dinner to benefit the Shiloh project. The menu will be decided by a poll of diners at the other Sunday dinners.
Come on down after church and have a great meal, visit with friends and support the Greenfield Historical Society.


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