Taylor releases statement on federal debt crisis

David Taylor
AMELIA – America-first conservative and businessman David J. Taylor, following the Bloomberg Economics Forecast Simulations, has released a statement on the federal debt crisis.
As politicians in Washington, D.C. continue to spend the people’s money, Taylor puts forth a plan to begin fixing the real problem – D.C. politicians who only care about themselves.
"The Washington politicians have continued to spend your money without any regard to how it would affect you and your family," Taylor said. "When I am in Congress, we will get to work and start reversing this devastating trend by introducing legislation to enact federal term limits and introducing legislation that requires Congress to balance the budget before they get paid.
"The unfortunate fact is many of my future colleagues won't agree with this idea because they care more about being elected than actually serving the people," Taylor said. "If I am elected in November, being a representative for the people of Ohio's Second Congressional District will be my job and I take that very seriously."
David J. Taylor is a political outsider, businessman and America-first conservative who resides in Amelia with his wife, Charity, and three daughters.
Learn more about David at www.davetaylorforcongress.com.
Ohio’s Second Congressional District includes all of Clermont, Clinton, Brown, Highland, Adams, Pickaway, Ross, Pike, Scioto, Hocking, Vinton, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs and Gallia counties and parts of Fayette County.
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